Page 24 - Final 10th Anniversary PDF For Printer
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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                                              The Talent Behind

                                                  Laurenn Barker

                                                         By Deeba Van Overberghe

                                        er face was exciting   sculpture in Italy, Quebec,   as if it were grounded but
                                   Hand happy. His was        and Colorado and has been   in motion. How does one
                                   experienced yet also happy.   invited to study under some   capture a moment frozen
                                   The little boy on his bicy-  of the greatest artists in her   in time and then translate
                                   cle was infatuating, even   industry such as Victor Issa,  it through their eyes, then
                                   though he was from a dif-  John Coleman, Jill Burkee,   their mind and then heart
                                   ferent era. When one looks   and the renowned Richard   and finally into the clay?
                                   upon the work of Laurenn   McDonald. And, her work     Laurenn could tell you it
                                   Barker, they are struck by   has been archived in the Na-  involves extensive research
                                   the accuracy of her render-  tional Museum of Women    and that this helps her iden-
                                   ing as well as her ability to   in the Arts as well as being   tify with her subject and
                                   convey the emotion and     listed in the “Who’s Who of   allows her to define the fig-
                                   spirit of the individuals she   American Women” for her   ure. But when I look at her
                                   sculpts.                   contribution to the arts. Her  work, I see an energy that I
                                       Laurenn Barker is an ac-  commissions can be found   know does not come from
                                   complished, well-educated,   around the world.         research or perhaps even
                                   international sculptor with    The breath of her work   from the stories shared by
                                   degrees from two different   spans not only private    those who commission her
                                   universities: SMU in Texas   commissions but also public  work of or for their loved
                                   and the Institute for Ameri-  commissions. She is well   ones. No. It goes beyond
                                   can Universities in Southern  known for her portraiture of  this. She can tap into the
                                   France. She has studied    children. She also enjoys the  spirit of the individual and
           Reprint from Project                               challenges associated with   transfer that to the clay. Her
                                                              commemorative sculptures    style is unique, and I would
                                                              of icons, leaders and loved   say represents a sense of
                                                              ones since passed. With     belonging versus the typical
                                                              over twenty years of experi-  ethereal representation we
                                                              ence in sculpting, Laurenn   see in so much sculpture
                                                              Barker is also an awarded   today. Her work is honest
                                                              children's book author and   and holds respect for the
                                                              illustrator with her Lae Lae   subject she is representing.
                                                              series of books.            It's also fun. Each piece I've
                                                                  I would imagine if you   reviewed has held some el-
                                                              were to experience a sculp-  ement of joy, and I find this
                                                              ture by Laurenn, you would   commendable.
                                                              first and foremost observe     The amount of coor-
                                                              the sturdy yet energetic    dination going into the
                                                              representation of her subject  installation of a garden

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