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Our 10th Anniversary Special Feature

                                                    Fran Drescher

                                                     America’s Favorite Nanny Saves Lives

                                                HE YEAR WAS 1993, AND A          not the usual candidate for Uterine
                                            Tquirky character named Fran Fine    cancer; She wasn't over 40, wasn't
                                            showed up on our TV screens, instant-  overweight, and did not have a family
                                            ly catching our hearts. Her Flushing,   history of cancer. So, when she was
                                            New York accent, short tight sequin   finally told, she was lucky enough to
                                            skirts, nasal voice, and unsophisticated  find out that the cancer had not pro-
                                            ways, suddenly made more obvious     gressed past stage 1. Her treatment
                                            when she found herself in the home of   was successful, and she has been in
                                            a high class, high net worth, Broadway  remission since.
                                            Producer, Mr. Maxwell Sheffield.        After her misdiagnosis, she wanted
                                                For seven seasons we cheered her   to be certain that no other woman
                                            on in the hopes that this modern Cin-  ever went through this same situation
                                            derella story would come to fruition   again. The time that it took for the
        After her misdiagnosis,             and the handsome prince, or in this   misdiagnosis could have caused some-

        she wanted to be certain            case Broadway producer, would end    body their life. This was what made
                                            up falling in love with and marrying
                                                                                 Fran write her book entitled "Cancer
        that no other woman                 the Poor little girl from Queens. With   Schmancer” and follow it up with a
        ever went through this              several near misses, viewers do get   movement to help assure that women
                                                                                 received testing for early detection of
                                            what they want, and Mr. Sheffield and
        same situation again.               Ms. Fine get married and even have   disease.
                                                                                    Although finding out that Fran
        The time that it took for           twins.                               had uterine cancer was a shocking mo-
                                                Although this is what Fran Dre-
        the misdiagnosis could              scher is most remembered for, it was   ment, She does explain that it has had
        have caused somebody                not her first dalliance with fame. Fran’s  a profound effect on her life. "It has
                                                                                 given me a purpose that I might not
                                            first big break came when she was
        their life. This was what           offered, the role of Connie in Saturday   have otherwise had and it has deep-
        made Fran write her                 Night Fever, her first major speaking   ened me as a person who is empathet-
                                                                                 ic to other people’s pain and struggles.
                                            role. Saturday Night Fever went on to
        book entitled "Cancer               be a major icon, and so did Fran.    And has taught me invaluable life
                                                Fran starred in several movies,
        Schmancer” and follow               but when she came up with the con-   lessons.”
                                                                                    The main focus of Fran’s Can-
        it up with a movement               cept of "The Nanny," she knew it was   cer Schmancer campaign is to make
        to help assure that                 the role that she was meant to play.   women aware of how important early

        women received testing              This was not to be her most challeng-  detection is to surviving a diagnosis of
                                                                                 cancer. She has helped provide mobile
                                            ing role, that would be in 2000 when
        for early detection of              she finally received the diagnosis that   mammography vans in underserved
        disease.                            she was suffering from uterine cancer.  areas. As Fran explains, “All odds are
                                            The road to her final diagnosis would
                                                                                 better for the patient when the cancer
                                            not be an easy one, in fact, it took   is detected early. ‘Catch it on arrival
                                            over two years before Fran would find  95% survival.’ Once you learn what
                                            out what the many symptoms she was  the early warning whispers are of the
                                            experiencing actually meant. She was   cancers that might affect you there is a

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