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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

         Susan Kuruvilla, CEO

                               By Mimi H. Cook

                                Photo by : Adriana Zuniga

           S CEO of Managed Solution, Susan   new things, so I need a position that chal-
        AKuruvilla, is running a successful IT   lenges me every day." Six months into the
        Service business in the exploding South-  job, she is exceeding expectations while
        ern California marketplace. Speaking   learning and growing professionally. Man-
        with this vivacious, intelligent, and con-  aged Solution is poised for tremendous
        fident executive, you can easily learn why   growth, and she is tasked with balancing
        Ms. Kuruvilla is admired by her peers,   the incline of rapid development com-
        respected by her employees, and has   bined with spearheading swift changes in
        reached the pinnacle of her career. Ms.   processes. "I love my job. Working with
        Kuruvilla was born outside New York   Sean Ferrel, Chairman and Founder of
        City and grew up in Racine, Wisconsin;   Managed Solution has been an extremely
        on the edge of Lake Michigan. Family   rewarding experience, and he has been a
        skiing trips to Colorado and college sum-  great partner."
        mers in the mountains planted the seed   As Managed Solution’s CEO, she
        for how to create a life whereby you love   works with many different types of
        what you do and live where you love. She  companies to help reduce the burden of   many people think networking is about
        was intentional with living and work-  day-to-day IT management. The com-  grandstanding or an opportunity to sell
        ing in larger cities to gather skills and   pany provides managed and professional   their services. That doesn't always work
        experiences to parlay later in her career   services and technology forecasting, em-  with people. It's better to be natural and
        to positions that did not require living   powering companies to grow their busi-  authentic in your intent to establish a
        in a major city. After she had earned   nesses. “The depth of focus on customer   friendship or professional relationship."
        an MBA in General Management from   care, social responsibility, and security is   She is a member of  VISTAGE, which is
        Dartmouth, as another way to create   at the core of company values, attributing   an organization of professionals who are
        more employment options – she moved   to flourishing proliferation.”     in upper management positions. She told
        to Dallas, Texas to work in Finance for   I asked her what advice she would   me that there is a subgroup in VISTAGE
        American Airlines. She would spend the   give to other women who might feel their   for service professionals as well, so you do
        next seven years in several senior roles   careers are languishing. "First, don't be   not have to be a CEO or President of a
        before moving to the Security & Distri-  afraid to reconsider your path," Susan   corporation to join.
        bution Industry in San Diego.       told me that she personally went through   Third, she said in addition to net-
           For ten years, she served as CFO   a transformative process of discovery   working; it was important to give back.
        of Clark Security Products, skillfully   about what aspects of a job were import-  Ms. Kuruvilla is on the Management
        ascending to become President; growing   ant to her with her career counselor. She   Board for the YMCA Camping Branch.
        a $100+M business and garnering awards   said that most people spend 50% of their   “Working with the YMCA’S year-round
        for Healthiest San Diego Company. She   time and energy trying to look good in   camping program, I have met all types of
        helped to sell the business and then ran it   their lives and 50% of their time trying   great people from different walks of life
        for five years for the public company that   not to look bad. "That's such a waste of   and professions.” The YMCA Camping
        purchased it. Her position was eliminated   time. No one is really paying that close   Branch includes three camps here in San
        last year which gave her time to pause in   attention to you. Just show up each day   Diego County: Raintree Ranch horseback
        her career and refocus. “I wanted a new   and focus on what needs to be done at   riding camp, Camp Marston located in
        position that inspired me to grow every   that moment, in that day, and channel   the Julian mountains and a child favorite,
        day. I didn’t want to be in the passenger   your energy on improving your skills and   Camp Surf. "As a member of the man-
        seat of my career”, she explained. Her   relationships at work."         agement board, I get to oversee a program
        positive solution to this dilemma was,   The second piece of advice she gave is   that I am passionate about – kids and
        “I hired a Career Counselor to help me   that networking is important. She met the  outdoor fun."
        clarify what I wanted to do next so that I   Founder of Managed Solution through   I found talking to Susan Kuruvilla
        would not get distracted by job offers that  networking. "You never know when you   very encouraging and incredibly inspir-
        were not a match.”                  will meet that person who could help you   ing. Every job is just a stepping-stone, not
           Ms. Kuruvilla had to find out what   step into a new career." She told me that   something that defines a woman’s career
        would make her excited to go to work   networking doesn't just mean going to   path. It’s a perspective that gives a lot of
        every day. In the process of discovery, she   the office or industry gatherings, it means   hope to those of us who might be afraid
        realized, "I am extremely curious to learn   getting out into the community too. "Too  to reinvent ourselves.

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