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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        still remains a part of the Scripps Health   HIMR provide programs for Integrative   gram she helped to create. In one course,
        System,” she adds.                  Medicine to help transform or develop   she was assigned a project in which she
           She moved into management and    professional practices and healthcare   had to interview a subject she admired
        teaching at the new center while also   systems. Rauni is president of HIMR, and  greatly. There was a man who fit the bill –
        treating patients. After 25 years of full   her other roles at The Pearl include direc-  someone who had been running chari-
        time employment at Scripps Health, Rau-  tor, healthcare provider and instructor.   table foundations for many years. After
        ni had touched many lives.          She adds, “It was fun to use the knowl-  conducting the interview, Rauni was
           In 2013, Rauni and Dr. Guarneri   edge from my Interior Design degree to   greatly inspired to create a foundation.
        achieved their dream of co-founding a   create a healing environment.”      In 2011, Rauni founded Mirag-
        private Integrative health and wellness   Her reach has moved beyond Pacific   lo Foundation, along with Dr. Mimi
        center that featured a team of experts in   Pearl La Jolla. Her experience as Nurse   Guarneri. Miraglo Foundation’s vision is
        Conventional, Integrative and Natural   Case Manager in the Dean Ornish   ‘Healing people and transforming lives
        Medicine. She is both co-founder and   program, her development and man-  through education, health and research.’
        executive director of Guarneri Integrative  agement of Integrative Medicine centers   She serves as its dynamic president, and
        Health, Inc. at Pacific Pearl La Jolla, a   and her career in critical care nursing has   both are equally involved and dedicated
        center where state-of-the-art Conven-  given her an incredible background. This   to the needs of the many thousands of
        tional Medicine meets the best of global   made her an obvious choice to direct and   people that Miraglo Foundation serves

        healing traditions for a personalized   coordinate national and international   today. Having interviewed the charita-
        whole-person approach that addresses   holistic and integrative medicine confer-  ble foundation expert and also having
        mind, body and spirit – and where a   ences for physicians, nurses and other   worked with the Scripps Foundation,
        wellness assessment lasts 90 minutes and   healthcare providers. These annual con-  Rauni was familiar with restrictions that
        includes both a Medical Doctor and a   ferences include ‘Natural Supplements:   often were caused by how a foundation
        Naturopathic Doctor. Spa and wellness   An Evidence-Based Approach’ confer-  was created. She wanted to be certain
        services like acupuncture, massage,   ence and the ‘Integrative and Holistic   that Miraglo Foundation would have a
        herbal tub baths and facials are also of-  Nursing Conference,’ both of which are   broad reach. She explains, "It was critical
        fered. She designed the center to include   held in San Diego and bring thousands   that I learned how to create a foundation
        a space for conferences, workshops and   of healthcare professionals to the area.   that allowed us to accomplish all that we
        community lectures that has full video/  She also launched a not-for-profit public   wanted – supporting Integrative Medi-
        live streaming capacities. Pacific Pearl La   charity, Miraglo Foundation, which sup-  cine and education, research, and service
        Jolla is also home to the Academy of In-  ports projects and people in the U.S. and   to the underserved globally. We didn't
        tegrative Health and Medicine (AIHM),   around the world.                want limits. We had a long list of what
        Miraglo Foundation, Consciousness and   Rauni, who spent a good portion   should be included, and we knew that we
        Healing Initiative (CHI) and Holistic   of her life caring for others, was always   wanted it to be local, national, and global.
        and Integrative Medicine Resources Inc.  searching for ways that she could do   It was a blessing to spend this time creat-
        (HIMR), a business and consulting unit   more. When she was working towards   ing what we wanted, because we can do a
        they both founded. Among other initia-  her Master's Degree in Integrative Health   lot of work not only in San Diego but in
        tives, Rauni and Dr. Guarneri through   from National University, it was a pro-  developing nations."

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