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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        long time, which was that you could   in the black. So, what took more time:   non-traditional modalities, Dr.
        not just treat the symptom without   writing a prescription for medication   Guarneri knew that she owed it to the
        attacking the underlying problem. She   or discussing the basics of nutrition   medical profession, and particularly
        said, “Certainly, as a cardiologist when  and how it applies to the disease they   to heart disease sufferers everywhere
        you are faced with a patient suffering   developed and what they would have   to bring this education to the medical
        from an acute event, such as a stroke   to do to correct the problem? Dr.   community. She and Rauni decided
        or a heart attack, Conventional Med-  Guarneri shares, "The minute that   through their own experiences and
        icine’s approach is the only way to go.   became really clear to me, I realized   those of Dr. Ornish --and others they
        You need to get the patient to a trauma  that it was necessary for us to teach   followed, that it was time for them to
        center like Scripps, Sharp, UCSD    health providers differently. Not to say   make a proposal to Scripps Hospital
        and others where they are trained in   that what we learned in school is bad,   to create an innovative and ground-
        critical care, and can immediately deal   it is great for acute care, but we need a   breaking program. Shortly thereafter,
        with the current crisis.” Dr. Guarneri   model that really embraces the best of   with some generous benefactors and
        felt that part of the problem was that   acute care and then how do we prevent  the blessings of Scripps, their dream
        medical schools trained doctors in   disease and get to underlying cause so   became a reality, and Scripps Center
        the acute care model, but little to no   we can start to reverse the process."  for Integrative Medicine was born.
        emphasis was placed on training for     Dr. Guarneri saw that a way to fix   As the medical director of the center,
        prevention of coronary disease.     the system was to recognize that our   Dr. Guarneri saw the importance of
           One of the other issues which Dr.   method of healing was not the only   bringing education to physicians, as
        Guarneri was witnessing more regu-  way to improve the health of our pop-  well as the public who were yearning
        larly was that when a patient went to   ulation. She explained, “Of course, we   for something besides a prescrip-
        a physician with a medical complaint   prided our medical schools for teach-  tion drug solution to every health
        that resulted in a diagnosis such as   ing our new doctors state of the art   problem. The Scripps Center for
        diabetes or high blood pressure, the   heart technology which we knew was   Integrative Medicine offered the best
        answer was always the “ill to the pill”   critical to our patients, but part of their  of Conventional and Complementa-
        approach. Each diagnosis resulted in a   healing process might also include the   ry Medicine. This is based upon the
        prescription for medicine to treat the   many wonders we could learn from   belief that there exist many paths to
        problem, with physicians not asking   other global traditions. Conventional   healing and that holistic health is a
        the question ‘why does this patient   Medicine is just one of many global   cohesive balance of mind, body, and
        have high blood pressure and what   healing traditions. There is Traditional   spirit. They recognized the wisdom of
        can we do to reverse it?’ In defense   Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medi-  all healing traditions and incorporat-
        of physicians, this was not a fault of   cine from India and Homeopathy and   ed them as appropriate into individu-
        your doctor, but more the fault of the   Naturopathic Medicine, which have   alized care plans. Dr. Guarneri notes,
        system, which required that a phy-  their own healing properties.”       “We realized one of the problems was
        sician sees a minimum number of         After seeing the amazing re-     that physicians needed to be educated
        patients per day for them to operate   sults that could be achieved through   in Integrative approaches. They need-

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