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worked at the previous law firm, I   associate. “Having another attorney in   they make purely financial decisions
        never saw my daughter. I would leave   the office allows us to be available to   which negatively affect those they are
        in the morning when she was asleep   answer every call that comes in. Even   there to protect and watch over."
        and return home 30 minutes before   if a potential client calls in with a case   I asked Chris if he could share
        her bedtime. I didn't want to raise   that isn’t the right fit for our firm, we   with our readers some tips or insight
        my children that way. Family is very   will answer any questions and provide   on how they can be sure these type of
        important to me."                   information to point the potential   negative events don’t end up affecting
           Chris’ clients are like family to him  client in the right direction.”   them or their loved ones. He shared
        as well. He is very selective in which   With a reputation as a "nice guy"   the following:
        cases he takes and is not looking to   fighting for the little guy, how does
        have a huge law firm. "When you run a  Chris make the transition to tough guy   •  “If you suspect abuse or neglect at
        low volume practice like I have chosen  when going head to head with these   a nursing home where, a relative lives,
        to do, you can pick your clients, and so  big corporate attorneys. "I tell young   your first step would be to talk to the
        I love my clients, they are like family   lawyers all the time just be yourself   facilities administrator. If this does
        to me. I feel for them and the pain and  when you litigate. You don't have to   not help then talk to the department
        suffering they are experiencing. I am   yell and scream or become a total jerk.   of public health, there is always an
        available to them, and they know they   If you have a great client and build   ombudsman who can jump in and
        can call me whenever they need to. In   your case the right way to make sure   find out what’s going on. If that gets
        a large law firm, you cannot possibly   the opposing counsel knows you are   you nowhere go to the police.”
        give your clients this level of atten-
           "When someone hires me to say
        I take it seriously would be an under-
        statement. I know that this person
        could have hired anyone and they
        chose me, so I feel a real responsibil-
        ity to do everything I can for them to
        make sure they get the absolute best
        lawyer that they deserve."
           Chris’ clients will attest to this.
        When describing Chris words like
        caring, compassionate, and empathetic
        are often heard, but the comment that
        says it all was from one of his recent
        clients who simply said. “Chris Walton  never going away, so they have only   •  “We don’t charge people to call
        is a truly amazing attorney.”       one choice to pay or take the ultimate   into the firm. You should always un-
           Chris, who has spent the majority   risk and put the choice in the hands of   derstand your legal rights. We don’t
        of his professional life operating his   a jury.”                         push people into signing on with our
        firm out of an office in downtown San   Walton Law handles all types of   firm, so call in if you are concerned
        Diego recently made a move to the   personal injury cases, anyone injured   with things going on in a nursing
        Carmel Valley/Del Mar area. Their   due to someone else’s negligence, or   home. Also, keep in mind that if you
        beautiful new office makes it easier   intentional behavior. These include   are involved in a car accident, call
        for clients to visit them, and allows   car accidents, premises accidents, or   us before you speak to anyone either
        Chris more time with his family and   product liability. Chris’ niche area is   involved in the accident or any of
        less time in downtown traffic. “I see   nursing home and elder abuse work   their insurance or legal representa-
        more clients in three weeks at our   including financial elder abuse.     tives. Do not settle. No one need be
        Carmel Valley location than I saw in    The favorite part of being a lawyer   afraid to speak to someone at this
        a full year at our downtown location.”   for Chris is similar to his 11-year-old   firm. Even if we can't take the case,
        With easily accessible free parking and  self. "My favorite part of what I do   we will give you some important
        a simple commute from most areas    is standing up for what I believe in.   information to help. By the end of
        getting to Chris’ office is much easier   Helping people through very difficult   the phone conversation, you will be
        for his clients. Along with making   times and having them know that I am   more informed and able to deal with
        the move, Chris also hired their first   there to hold people accountable when   your situation.”.

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