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                              at Point Loma. A busy                      creates art based on self  murals as far away as
                              woman with 9 grand-                        experiences and from   Indonesia and flown to
                              children, she combines                     experiences of those   places like Wyoming
                              teaching with her love                     around her or strangers   and Hawaii for Decora-
                              of writing.                                that she encounters.   tive Painting.
                                                                         Maggie is grateful
                                                                         and very fortunate for
        Robert Tussey                                                    meeting good people
        Robert has been a                           Carol Heath          in her life; often finding
        published writer for                        Carol is a Certified Clini-  a mentor or an awsome
        over thirty years and                       cal Master/Teacher; she   supporter where or
        has been providing                          is certified in a myriad   when least expected.
        editing services for                        of alternative modali-
        the past twenty-five.   Gerald Neff         ties including Color and                   Patrick Moreno
        As a musician, he has                       Sound therapy, Chakra
        written scores of songs.   With more than 40   therapy,Reflexology,                    Patrick resides in Fort
        His life has revolved   years living and work-  Cranial and Lomi lomi                  Collins, Colorado and is
        around his music and   ing in South America   massage and devel-                       the father of a ten-year
        writing, often melding   in the agriculture and   oped her own hands on                old boy, Domanic; and
        the two into articles   forestry business.   healing method.                           his faithful dog, Missy.
        and interviews.       topped off with 25                         Dawn Nicoli           Patrick has been a part
                              years in the U.S. Em-                                            of the cybersecurity
                              bassy and Peace Corps.                     For over 20 years Dawn   realm and computing
                              His writing experience                     has owned and operat-  arena for over a decade.
                              includes local publica-                    ed Nicoli Productions,   Not only is he an in-
                              lions and years of U.S.                    an environmental por-  dustry veteran, Patrick
                              Embassy reports; so                        trait studio, run out of   has single-handedly
                              sit back and enjoy the                     her two-acre property   steered multi paradigm
                              ride. Gerald Neff can be                   in Escondido.         projects enabling
                              contacted at 760 796   Janice Carter-Booth                       network and web se-
        Jane Baxley           4877                                       Starting a new chapter   curity mitigation across
                                                                         of her life, when seren-
        Jane Baxley is a free-                      Janice is a massage   ity has become so im-  variable domains. His
                                                    therapist who loves
        lance writer who en-                        spending time with   portant, Dawn spends   primary motto is to
        joys traveling, reading,                    any amount of her 15   her time in her palapa   make web browsing a
        cooking, and garden-                        grandchildren. Her   tree house with her   seamless experience
        ing.  Writing has been                      favorite activities are   dog, Karma. exploring   while ensuring data
        her passion for many                        swimming and writing.  the world of writing.  privacy. Patrick can be
        years.  Life experience                                                                contacted directly at
        has taught her to step                                                                 970 541 4887 and is
        back and enjoy today.  Debbie Storms                                                   available for consulta-
                                                                                               tion upon request.
                              Debbie has enjoyed
                              many careers from
                              accountant to air traffic
                              She believes life is an   Maggie Ramos     Deeba Van
                              adventure to be lived                      Overberghe
                              to its fullest. Growing   Maggie Ramos is a
        Sharon Hightower      up in New Jersey, she   student at MiraCosta   Daughter of an artist,   Mimi Cook Hall
                              learned life skills to   College and is artistical-  Deeba grew up with
        Sharon is a native of   help her practice that   ly multi talented. She is   the influence of art   Mimi Cook Hall is
        California, and has   credo. Her passion    a great writer, painter   all around her. Deeba   an entrepreneur, a
        lived in Chicago and   for travel has taken   and a skilled photogra-  has dedicated the last   marketing and sales
        Guadalajara, MX. She   her to many parts of   pher thanks to several   14 years to refining   director, and a writer.
        earned an MA in Teaeh-  the world. She is now   recent courses. She puts  her artistic talents and   Ms. Hall is currently
        ing English as a Second   focusing on writing   her soul and heart in   abilities in Fine and   working on her first
        Language (TESOL)      about her travels and   every piece she creates.   Decorative Arts and   novel, a historical ro-
        from CSULA some 20    interviewing entertain-  Her art and writing   Illustration. She has   mance that takes place
        years ago, but recently   ers, which is a great   pieces tend to be very   illustrated books here   during the Yukon gold
        completed her MBA     combo!                emotional. Maggie    in San Diego, painted   rush of 1896.
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