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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

         Dr. Mimi Guarneri’s


                             By Judith A. Habert

          N THE TEN YEARS THAT I HAVE  and every patient she sees. She listens,
        Ibeen publishing San Diego Woman    but more importantly, she hears. As an
        Magazine, I can honestly say that I   Integrative Cardiologist, Dr. Guarneri
        have never come across anyone quite   is often faced with critical and acute
        like Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC,       care scenarios. She is called upon to
        ABOIM, who is board-certified in    make tough decisions, life, and death
        Cardiovascular Disease, Internal Med-  choices, with little room for error.
        icine, Nuclear Cardiology and Integra-  What she has learned, and very well I
        tive Holistic Medicine. I had spoken to  might add, is that more goes into her
        colleagues of hers, patients who swore   profession than just treating patients
        by her, and nurses who had worked   in an acute care condition. She has   of a cardiologist in an acute situation,”
        with her. Even their songs of praise did  applied many years of clinical study   explains Dr. Guarneri.
        not affect me quite as much as the 60   and research on the mind-body-spir-  "I became interested in the work
        minutes or so that I spent a few weeks   it connection for creating optimal   that Dr. Dean Ornish was doing. I
        ago talking with her and getting to   heath, wellness and healing outcome   would put stents in and then run
        know not only the physician, but the   and has incorporated these elements   across the parking lot to Dr. Ornish’s
        woman behind the title.             into her practice to make a difference,   Program for Reversing Heart Dis-
           Within just a few moments of     and most importantly, to save lives.   ease, a lifestyle change program, and
        meeting, we had ascertained that there  The term “Integrative Cardiologist”   studied the work he was doing. Rauni
        was a common bond in that we were   was coined by Dr. Guarneri when her   Prittinen King, RN was the Nurse Case
        both native New Yorkers and of Italian  practice began to change to an Integra-  Manager for the research study, and
        decent, but that wasn't it. That was but   tive approach.                we were both realizing the huge differ-
        an added plus in that we almost im-     Dr. Guarneri came to San Diego   ences made by the lifestyle change pro-
        mediately understood each other and   in 1994 to work at Scripps Clinic as   gram for the patients. Rauni had been
        communicated as perhaps only two    an Interventional Cardiologist. This   an intensive care nurse for more than
        New Yorkers can, but there was still   specialty focuses on acute care, such as   20 years. She, too, was aware of the
        something so special and so unique   placing stents in arteries. Dr. Guarneri   rising population of "frequent fliers"
        that it took a while for me to figure out  was often faced with very sick patients;   that she would see as return patients
        what it was.                        some whom had basically received a   with cardiac incidents to the ICU. Dr.
           Here I was sitting across from a re-  death sentence due to the severity of   Guarneri remarked, "We would put
        nowned doctor who has accomplished   their health condition. Dr. Guarneri   these patients on vegetarian diets,
        so much throughout her life. Dr.    didn’t believe these sentences to be   teach them yoga and meditation, place
        Guarneri speaks at conferences with   true. She learned that by incorporating   them into support groups and get
        thousands of attendees. She has writ-  some healthy habits into their every-  them up and moving and doing some
        ten wonderful books, published many   day life, the likelihood of developing   exercise. The results were phenomenal.
        articles, appeared as an expert source   heart disease could be significantly   With these lifestyle changes, we saw
        on radio and TV programs and is even  deterred.                          a 91% decrease in chest pain, choles-
        slated to be a speaker at the Vatican   “I would put in about 750 stents   terol levels went down, triglycerides
        this coming November at an event    per year while at Scripps. I’d see many   went down, and they lost significant
        sponsored by the World Health Orga-  repeat patients. I just knew there   amounts of weight. Most importantly,
        nization, UCSD and Miraglo Foun-    had to be a better way to treat these   by and large, their coronary disease
        dation. There she sat across from me   patients so that they wouldn’t contin-  had been reversed.”
        when I realized what it was…she cares   ue to be in need of my services --and   This proved to Dr. Guarneri ex-
        from such a profound place, for each   possibly never need to be in the care   actly what she had believed for a very

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