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Christopher Walton, Esq.

                                            HELPING THE LIT TLE GUY

                                                                    By Judith A. Habert
                                                               Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

                                            11, the future lawyer actually won his   law school, he planned to be a Sports
                                            first case. It was over a dining room   Agent, but soon realized that there was
                                            table, not in a courtroom but it was a   another area of law that was more in
                                            well-fought victory none the less. "I   line with the very reason he wanted to
                                            was about 11 when my friend Jeremy   be a lawyer.
                                            got into a little trouble at home, and   Upon graduation, Chris was
                                            after discussing it, we both felt that   recruited for a position as a defense
                                            his punishment was harsher than it   attorney protecting the interests of in-
                                            should have been. So, I offered to rep-  surance companies and professionals,
                                            resent him, since he was too afraid to   primarily doctors. "Although I enjoyed
                                            speak up to his parents. I interviewed   it, there was something in me that
                                            his siblings to find out if they had re-  wanted to have that feeling again of
              HEN WE ARE YOUNG AND          ceived similar punishment when they   standing up for the little guy and being
        Wthink about what we want to        had committed the same, or a similar   on the side of the plaintiff and not the
        be when we grow up our reasons are   infraction. I then put together a chart   large corporation."
        honest and true to our hearts. It's only   showing how they had been punished   In 2010, Chris took a major leap
        when we get older that we think about   for similar crimes. Then we found a   and decided to become the type of
        things like the salary or the amount   way that I would be invited to dinner   lawyer he wanted to be. “ I opened
        of schooling involved in our decision.   so I could present my case. I'm sure   my own firm, Walton Law, and began
        That is why it is easy to spot those in   Jeremy's parents thought it was pretty   working as a plaintiff’s attorney. In-
        just about every profession who felt it   funny at the time, but they ended up   stead of representing big corporations,
        in their hearts before they contemplat-  lessening his punishment, as a result of  I could now get back to standing up
        ed the choice in the minds. Chris Wal-  my presentation. Word got out quickly,  for the little guy." The decision to go
        ton knew from a very early age that he   and I was called upon to share dinners   out on his own was not an easy one. "I
        wanted to be a lawyer, not for the pres-  at other friend's homes, when they   was married, had a wife, we just had
        tige or the standard of living it would   needed similar help. I became known   our first child, we had bought a home,
        allow, but for one very simple reason,   as the neighborhood attorney." For   the economy was tanking, I had school
        he wanted to speak up for the little guy  Chris, this was just the beginning of   loans to pay back, but I knew it was
        who wasn't being heard. He wanted to   defending the little guy.         time for me to venture out on my own.
        right the wrongs that were taking place   When the time came for Chris to   My wife was extremely supportive as
        around him. Today Chris does exactly   attend college he knew that he wanted   she always is, so that helped with my
        what he dreamed of doing, and as a   to be as far away from the desert as   decision."
        result, has helped right many wrongs   possible, so he chose to attend Wash-  Chris today can tell you that this
        often for those who have too soft a   ington State. Chris worked through   was the best decision he ever made.
        voice to speak for themselves. He is a   college, and it was his job at Olive   “One of my major concerns was being
        personal injury attorney who special-  Garden that would affect his life more   there to be an active participant in
        izes in elder abuse and neglect issues   than he thought a part time job would.  my daughter’s life. I did not want to
        and often finds himself facing large   "It was at this job that I met my wife,   look back years from now and wonder
        nursing home corporations in a battle   Shauna. She actually trained me, and a  where the time went.”
        to bring justice for his clients.   few years later we began dating,"       Chris, now the father of two,
           Chris was born in Boston and         It was a joint decision for Shauna   Kayla, nine and Caden, six, has found
        moved to New Mexico as a young      and Chris to move to San Diego, be-  a way to be a very involved Dad. “With
        child. He wasn't the son of a lawyer,   cause they felt it would be the perfect   today's technology, I can work from
        nor did he have any immediate family   place to raise a family. Chris applied   home. I can move my schedule around
        members in the field, but he knew it   and was accepted at California West-  to be there for dinner. I can attend
        was his calling. At the young age of   ern School of Law. When he headed to  their practices and games. When I

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