Page 2 - Woman FF 2024 Holiday
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by Jaime V. Habert HOLIDAY EDITION Fabulous Finds
2. COALATREE TRAILHEAD PANTS 3. PROTALUS upgrade your insole game today so your
With so many Holiday parties on the After walking around the outlet malls body won’t pay the price for those treasured
agenda between work and family, we looking for the perfect gift for my mother- memories.
needed a pair of pants that not only looks in-law, the feet were feeling the miles of To view all the available options offered
professional but could withstand hours of indecision. After experiencing this fatigue, by this innovative company, visit www.
festivities. Made of 100% durable nylon, Co- we headed home to suit up for the next (and
alatree Trailhead Pants offer a style that can possibly most intense) round of holiday shop-
go from the office party to the community ping – Black Friday. 4. NOMATIC SLING BACK
gingerbread competition without missing Yes, this much anticipated day has been The Nomatic brand is another repeat
a beat. Available in a variety of colors, the both dreaded and desired by our family for fabulous find, and for good reason. This
Trailhead Pants feature water resistant and years passed. This year, however, I have a brand continues to make outstanding
stain proof material that can let you help secret weapon… Protalus Insoles. quality products that we can’t stop recom-
family in the kitchen without bringing the After slipping these bad boys into my mending.
ingredients with you when you mingle. favorite pair of running shoes, I was ready for Our new obsession is their Navigator RS
Deep pockets and four-way stretch make the 5 am call time required by my siblings. Sling 6L bag. This stylish sling bag features
these a wardrobe staple for their comfort Protalus makes me feel like I’m walking on so many useful pockets and hidden func-
and versatility. air with a neutral heel alignment that takes tions that we do not know where to begin!
Breathable for all climates, you can gift stress off the plantar fascia and reduces Let’s just start with the material. The
these to family on any coast. We particu- fatigue throughout the body. This helps Navigator Sling is made of a durable, light-
larly enjoy the ability to utilize these pants your feet, knees, hips, and back for those weight material that is water-resistant and
all season long and while traveling to visit moments when you have to run to the last easy to clean. With internal organization,
loved ones in different states where the Ninja Creami or risk crushing your niece’s ice including a hidden water bottle pocket
weather isn’t always dependable. cream dreams. The curve of the heel cup, and room for an 11” tablet, the RS Sling
There are so many useful features to the alignment technology, and insole materials 6L carries exactly what you need for life’s
Trailhead design. The eco-friendly DWR fin- all work together to create the highest level everyday adventures.
ish not only repels water, but makes stains of comfort for everyday tasks and holiday One of our requirements in a bag is
and spills bead right off, while maintaining shopping alike. an abundance of pockets and storage.
all-season breathability. Made for hikers or After years of using big box store solu- This sling features a large, zippered liner
outdoor enthusiasts, these pants are pack- tions, we are now forever committed to the pocket, two pencil sleeve pockets, and two
able and have a stink-proof fabric that lets incredible quality and science-backed Protalus mesh elastic pockets. On the side of the
you wear them more and wash them less insoles. At Protalus, they’ve based their unique sling, there is even a water bottle pocket
thanks to the antimicrobial material. insole design on 50+ years of medical research that hides away when not in use. The wide,
If you find yourself needing a higher and third-party laboratory testing. It's no comfortable strap also features a card slot
quality and more versatile wardrobe, we coincidence that over 95% of people who try for quick access to public transit cards or
recommend checking out Coalatree’s col- Protalus have positive results, it's by design. swipe cards for your office. The back of
lection of hoodies, pants, tees and more at If you plan on spending these Holidays the bag has an EVA formed foam panel for traveling or making magic for your family, added comfort and breathability, while an