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Fabulous Finds                                HOLIDAY EDITION                               by Jaime V. Habert



                                            15. ICEBREAKER POP                   tivities for many years to come. If you want
                                               When hosting this holiday season,   our suggestion, we recommend grabbing
                                            there is nothing a party requires more   a 5 pack from their website, https://sisucre-
                                            than a good bartender. One of the, and
                                            necessary items when conjuring up your   sticking one of these irresistible little guys
                                            Instagram-worthy “Grinchmas Margarita”   into every stocking you can!
                                            is a healthy amount of ice. When stores
        tools that do double (or in this case triple)   are overrun with last-minute shoppers   16. KITCHEN CUBE
        duty. It’s the only way to ensure the dishes   this chilly winter season, the last thing   Hosting this year’s Christmas dinner
        don’t become a new topic of conversation.   you want to be doing is waiting in line,   or New Year’s party? Better make sure
           Declutter your kitchen with this all-in-  gripping a bag of ice to bring back to the   the kitchen is stocked with the necessary
        one gadget, designed to hold utensils, grip   party.                     equipment to perfect Grandma’s casserole
        jars, and even serve as a lid. Made from   Instead, you could have all your   and deliver Santa’s most important fuel,
        BPA-free, FDA-compliant material, it’s per-  ice-making needs in one compact tool,   warm chocolate chip cookies. The essential
        fect for organizing your kitchen. The Spoon   at home and ready to use whenever you   tool you don’t even know you’re missing is
        Buddy™ is simple to use and ready to work   need it. The ICEBREAKER POP combines   the Kitchen Cube, an innovative all-in-one
        straight out of the package—no assembly   convenience, hygiene, and space-saving   measuring tool that simplifies the cooking
        needed. Compact and efficient, it suctions   design in one easy-to-use product. De-  process.
        to almost any surface, providing a conve-  clutter your freezer with this all-in-one ice   Buying this compact measuring cube
        nient place to rest your messy utensils and   tray that’s watertight, spill-proof, and easy   is an easy choice, with its fun design that
        keep your kitchen organized and clean.   to transport. Perfect for stacking in any   makes cooking with kids a breeze. Plus,
           The Spoon Buddy™ truly is effortless   orientation, the ICEBREAKER POP ensures   Kitchen Cube is based in Minnesota, and
        to use and a breeze to clean. Compact   you always have fresh, clean ice on hand   all items ship from the US, so there is no
        enough to fit any drawer and dishwasher   that is free from freezer odors.  waiting on international shipments or con-
        safe, the Spoon Buddy is designed to make   If you decide to take your ICEBREAKER   cerns about the quality of the products you
        your kitchen tasks simpler and cleaner.   POP on the road, it can go along with you   receive. The world-class customer service is
        Made from Non-Toxic, Food-Safe, Quality   to any tree lighting, gingerbread house   there to answer any of your questions, and
        materials, and able to measure ½ cup   contest, or Santa meet-up you may have   the 30-day money-back guarantee makes
        portions as well as open containers, this   on the agenda. Dishwasher-safe and   this a no-brainer when it comes to the chef
        product has so many uses you will find   ultra-durable, these guys are not only vi-  on your gift list.
        yourself reaching for it again and again.   sually appealing but pack a useful punch.  The dishwasher-safe cube can be
           If you are searching for the perfect gift   Sisu Creations, the company behind   tossed into your dishwasher for easy clean-
        for your culinary superstar or just a way to   this and many of our Fabulous Find’s prod-  ing and is small enough to be stored in a
        make your day-to-day life easier, we recom-  ucts, design kitchen and home goods right   typical kitchen drawer. If you need to warm
        mend learning about Sisu Creation’s Spoon   here in the United States. These quality   an ingredient, simply toss the cube in the
        Buddy™ at  items are made to last and are guaranteed   microwave without any concern about the
        order-spoon-buddy.                  to make an appearance at Christmas fes-  outcome. Kitchen Cube even offers you 19
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