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by Jaime V. Habert                    HOLIDAY EDITION                              Fabulous Finds

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           When it is time to get the kids in full   We also love this product as a gift for   way to keep those resolutions than to
        Christmas mode, Feltman Brothers has just   a friend or family member who takes their   invest in the products that will get you
        the thing- an entire collection of Christ-  health seriously. As an avid gym goer, I love   there? Blender Bottle is a product that we
        mas-specific outfits! With pops of red and   the change of pace from my ear pods and   wholeheartedly love. From the leakproof
        green and fun snowman embroideries, the   blasting music. Focusing on the game cre-  lid to the stainless-steel construction, this
        pieces will evoke the feeling of Christmas   ates a challenge that makes you eager to   hybrid shaker and tumbler check all the
        without compromising on style.      return to the system for the entertainment   beverage boxes.
           Ready to get your little ones decked out   as well as the calorie burn. After falling in   Featuring a lid that allows you to swig
        for holiday fun? Visit   love with this product, we noticed that   or sip and a BPA-free blender ball, this cup
        now to expand the wardrobe of your most   the brand also offers a similar experience   will be your companion from the gym to
        important party guests.             suited for cycle enthusiasts and those in-  the office. Whether you use it for protein
                                            terested in developing their core. We know   shakes, greens supplements, pre-workout
        7.  STEALTH SQUAT                   the results will be identically amazing, and   beverages, or simply water to fuel your day,
           We all know it is just a matter of time   we can’t wait to dive into all the workout   you will not want to part with this quality
        before those New Year’s resolutions rear   options available.            cup that rivals pricey competitors. Plus, its
        their ugly head. Isn’t it about time you kept   To learn more about Stealth Squat,   dual function allows it to act like a shaker
        one for the entire year? The top resolution   Stealth Core, and all the brand has to offer,   yet look like a stylish tumbler!
        in our office is weight loss or improving   visit         Designed to keep your beverage cold
        one’s health, but these also seem to be the                              all day, the Blender Bottle 2-in-1 Tumbler
        first kind of resolution to fail. With Stealth   8.  BLENDER BOTTLE 2-IN-1 TUMBLER  has a double insulated wall in a convenient
        Squat, you will find those fitness goals an   Before you know it, that ball will drop,   24-ounce size. The color selections offer a
        easy achievement in no time.        and 2025 will be here. With the new year   great variety of options, from a navy-blue
           One of the main reasons people give   comes new resolutions, and what better   tone called “Midnight” to a light pink shade
        up in the gym is out of boredom or not
        seeing results. This will not be a reality with
        the help of Stealth Squat. The Stealth Squat
        makes every workout an exciting game,
        helping you stay motivated and eager to
        push your limits. An ergonomic device with
        soft grip handles and a secure door attach-
        ment, the Stealth Squat allows you to attach                                                    9
        your phone to engage and forget the inten-
        sity of your workout in a matter of minutes.
        Transform your body in just minutes a day
        with a design made to deliver noticeable
        results quickly, helping you build stronger,
        leaner legs and a more toned physique.
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