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Fabulous Finds                                HOLIDAY EDITION                               by Jaime V. Habert

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                                            a much more complicated task than it   goats wearing Santa hats and smiling with
                                            needs to be. IBtrol is there to assist with   glee at the prospect of finding a place at
                                            both the mundane and important days as   your holiday function. This Santa Box can
        called “Rose Petal.” There is a perfect blend-  it is recommended as a long-term solution   be filled with any iteration of caramels or
        er bottle for everyone on your gift list.  to gut health problems. It’s easy to incor-  stocked with fan favorites like Chai, Maple
           If you want to shop the entire collection   porate the supplement into our morning   Cream, Sea Salt & Vanilla, or Cocoa Latte –
        of Blender Bottles, including this hybrid   routine as its orange flavor lends itself to   just to name a few!
        masterpiece, visit their storefront on www.  being the perfect accompaniment to a tra-  If you are searching for the perfect                         ditional breakfast. Simply add one scoop to   company gift for your employees, don’t fall
                                            a glass of water and experience the effects   prey to logo mugs or embossed stationery.
        9.  IBTROL                          of a day free from IBS pain.         Instead, delight your staff with sweet, and
           Company potlucks, gingerbread house   To learn more about this and all Medtri-  unforgettably delicious, Goat Milk Cara-
        competitions, family bake-offs, and just   tion supplements, please visit https://store.  mels. If you’re ready to place your order
        about every possible stressful food event              for your co-workers or family and friends,
        happens in these winter months. Sure, it                                 visit today!
        sounds like non-stop fun, but when you   10. BIG PICTURE FARM GOATMILK
        are battling IBS, it is anything but a good   CARAMELS                   11. WHOLESOME HIPPY CALM CREAM
        time.                                  What do you get the person who has it   Have you been rushing to make
           When stomach issues complicate   all? A delicious gourmet treat, of course!  Christmas magical for family and friends?
        your life, it is essential that you have a   Big Picture Farm Goatmilk Caramels are   Are you beginning to feel the effects such
        good foundation for gut health. IBtrol is a   the answer to any of your “what do I get   as body aches and pains? Let us introduce
        doctor-developed formula of a proprietary   them” dilemmas this holiday season. From   you to Wholesome Hippy’s Magnesium/
        blend of soluble fiber, prebiotics, and pro-  hostess gifts to teacher appreciation pres-  Vitamin D3 Body Butter, a luxurious blend
        biotics. The soluble fiber helps normalize   ents, Big Picture offers the go-to solution   of natural ingredients designed to pamper
        stool, the prebiotic helps regrow a healthy   for impressing your loved ones.   your skin and soothe your senses. This
        microbiome, and the probiotic helps estab-  One of the most impressive aspects   unique formula combines the calming
        lish friendly gut microbes, which help to   of these tasty little treats is their festive   properties of magnesium and vitamin D
        calm and maintain good gut balance.  holiday gift boxes. The company’s Holiday   with the nourishing benefits of shea butter,
           The triple-therapy combination nor-  Gift Pack offers a bow-wrapped combo of   cocoa butter, and mango butter. Enhanced
        malizes and calms the gut while reju-  their Tree Box and Santa Box. The Tree Box,   with arnica and turmeric extracts, this body
        venating the microbiome from within,   available filled with one of their 8 flavors,   butter provides deep hydration while pro-
        which leads to long-term symptom relief,   a classic flavor assortment, or seasonal   moting overall skin health and relief from
        increased food tolerance, and reduced   flavor assortment, displays an enchanting   tired/achy muscles, restless legs, anxiety,
        anxiety about symptom recurrence.   scene of deer making the most of a pine   poor sleep, and more.
           With IBS, gas, diarrhea, bloating, and   tree- standing on their tippy toes to savor   As someone who takes the products
        pain are a day-to-day problem. This makes   the delicacy. The Santa Box is equally   she puts on her body very seriously,
        holiday shopping or cooking for the family   charming with its quirky image of a pair of   Wholesome Hippy passes the “vibe” check.
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