Page 8 - Woman FF 2024 Holiday
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by Jaime V. Habert HOLIDAY EDITION Fabulous Finds
different measurements, both metric and 18. WATEX EXPANDABLE GREEN WALL without much ground space to grow their
imperial, making cooking any recipe an Growing up in the countryside of North- favorite plants. With such versatility, it is the
easy task. ern Taiwan, Founder Denise Sung, spent perfect gift for that loved one with a green
To buy yourself this kitchen essential, much of her adolescence in the garden with thumb.
visit today! her uncle. These treasured memories led Shop the entire Watex collection at
her to start a company which is dedicated
17. SANDWICH SPREADER to creating beautiful gardens everyone can
Plagued by a sink full of dirty dishes enjoy in the smallest of spaces.
this time of year? Eliminate the stress Watex has a small team of designers
with one less utensil to wash. One of our and plant lovers committed to bringing
favorite innovations we’ve come across green innovation, creativity, and inspiration
this year is the Simple Spread Lid by Sisu to urban living. They are passionate about
Creation. creating versatile, modular garden tools that
This handy Simple Spreader is just as you can use to design and start your vertical
easy to use as any other knife or spreader garden any way you want. Walls, counters, 18
you have in your kitchen drawer right floors, wherever you have space, they’ve
now. It works right out of the box – no created something for you.
assembly required. It’s high powered, dual One of our favorite products from Watex
magnetic locking mount is strong enough is the Expandable Green Wall. This Green
to fit on any jar lid and packs in over 4.5” Wall is ideal for small space gardening, and
inches of spreading capacity so you can each panel comes with eight small inter-
spread a large surface area with ease. changeable pots with a built-in irrigation
Our family usually finds this product system. Each panel then consists of 8 plant
attached to our peanut butter- making pots with a built-in irrigation dripper, which
mid-day sandwiches and late-night snacks uses water efficiently to support growth
an easy endeavor. No more wasting time and nourishment to the plant and efficient
and money washing a knife every time usage of water resources.
someone wants a small spread of jam or One of the best parts of this system is
their favorite nut butter. Just attach the lid that your walls are kept safe from any water
to your item of choice and make everyday damage as the installation panel works as a
tasks simpler. barrier between the pots and the wall and
A great gift for elderly family members, the irrigation system delivers water directly
this lid fits on most jars and can be stored into the pots from the hose connection
or stacked easily in your typical kitchen. given on the side of each panel. Watex
If you are ready to simplify your life, visit Expandable Green Wall is a modern and low for this and many other maintenance vertical garden kit designed
useful household products. for urban gardeners living in apartments