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by Jaime V. Habert                    HOLIDAY EDITION                              Fabulous Finds



        The company prides itself on quality and   to the strongest man in the house, but not   Strip-N’-Snip, you will use them for any
        only uses Cruelty-Free ingredients. No junk   anymore.                   and all tasks. I find myself cutting chicken
        is present in any of their products; with a   Pan Buddy is designed to reduce heat   portions for nightly recipes and opening
        focus on removing the typical fillers seen   transfer and support your wrist while   beer on Sunday afternoons without hes-
        in beauty items, you won’t catch dyes, par-  cooking. It fits most pan handles and is   itation. Plus, the fact that one tool serves
        abens, parfums, sulfates, or GMOs on their   especially ideal for cast iron skillets. What   so many purposes means they will bring
        ingredient list.                    used to be a daunting task is now an   much-needed organization to often messy
           Wholesome Hippy’s Calm Cream is veg-  enjoyable one. The Pan Buddy™ is simple   drawers.
        an and fair trade, which means no matter   to use and ready to help straight out of the   Free shipping in the U.S., as well as a
        how discerning your loved one is, they   package—no assembly required. You can   30-day money-back guarantee, make this
        will be proud to use this product. Its core   even part ways with your old oven mitts as   purchase a no-brainer.
        ingredients being Magnesium Chloride   the handle is separate from the pan which   Strip-N’-Snip is perfect for both left and
        and Vitamin D3, this powerful cream is the   keeps heat where it belongs.   right-handed users, with high-quality stain-
        gift that keeps on giving! Known for its   Made in the USA, this product is dura-  less-steel blades and built-in herb stripping
        calming and relaxing properties, magne-  ble, BPA-free, heat-resistant, high-quality,   holes in various sizes for your convenience.
        sium helps to soothe tired muscles and   and affordable. All you must do is secure   These scissors also come in a variety of
        promote a sense of well-being. Essential for  the device by twisting a handle, and you’re   colors, such as blue, red, and black, and a
        maintaining healthy skin and supporting   ready to get cooking! The ideal gift for   pack of one, three, or five. If you come from
        overall vitality, vitamin D3 helps to nourish   elderly grandparents or kitchen gadget   a family of cooks, these heavy-duty scissors
        and protect the skin from environmental   lovers, this product will become one of the   are the perfect stocking stuffer for your
        stressors. This combination is the answer   most used items in your drawer.   culinary aficionados.
        to all your everyday aches and pains- espe-  Choose your pack of one, three, or five   Declutter your kitchen with this all-in-
        cially in a season when taking a break just   to make sure you have enough for every   one multitool, combining herb stripping,
        isn’t an option!                    needy stocking at  walnut cracking, bottle opening, and preci-
           To learn more visit their site at https://  pages/order-pan-buddy.    sion cutting in a single compact design by                                                      buying yours at
                                            13. STRIP-N’-SNIP                    pages/order-strip-n-snip.
        12. PAN BUDDY                          As you dedicate yourself to your up-
           One of our favorite holiday recipes   coming health resolutions for the new year,  14. SPOON BUDDY
        is our grandmother’s cookie skillet. The   it’s important to have the necessary tools   As the December days pass, the family
        grandkids love to gather in the kitchen and   to follow through on those goals. With   festivities begin to take over your home.
        toss big handfuls of chocolate chips in the   Strip-N’-Snip, you can prepare fruit and   From the kids being home on holiday
        mix, laughing about whose cookie will end   veggies with precision cuts that make eat-  break and requesting freshly baked holiday
        up more chocolatey than the others. This   ing healthy snacks a breeze. Each feature,   cookies to the in-laws unexpectedly stop-
        activity has always been fun but pres-  from herb stripping holes to the built-in   ping by for dinner, there is so much activity
        ents us with a hefty amount of fear. Kids,   bottle opener, is designed for quick, easy   in the kitchen that it seems to never get
        grandparents, and a red-hot skillet don’t   access, helping you get the job done faster.  a break. When this much action is on the
        go together well. Lifting the heavy handle   Having a good pair of kitchen scissors   agenda, it is easy to let the whirlwind of
        to transfer the item from stove to oven   is an unmatched perk when preparing   recipes wreak havoc on your kitchen sink.
        and back out again used to require a yell   meals. From the moment you purchase   To avoid this reality, you must have kitchen
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