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Fabulous Finds HOLIDAY EDITION by Jaime V. Habert
19. BIG A## CALENDAR Visit they can handle the task all on their own.
When 2025 creeps up on you in the next the-big-a-calendar to take control of It’s quite evident that whether you are a
few weeks, don’t you want to be prepared your year now with a fun and functional beginner like us, or master chef, this book
to tackle whatever it throws at you? There calendar, because a memorable year won’t will become the go-to manual for meals this
is no better way to be prepared for the year happen unless you plan it! winter.
ahead than to plan for it. With Big A## Cal- Gift a copy, or treat yourself, at https://
endar, you can make your year’s vision clear! 20. PIZZA! PIZZA! PIZZA!
The magic of this calendar is you can As the holiday season is in full swing, it vor-Ingredient-Everybody/dp/1578269687
see your ENTIRE YEAR on one page! This can become overwhelming to think of the
helps you better plan and track toward your many courses you have to cook for family
goals. When you can see them, your big and friends in the coming days. With so
goals are more likely to become incredible much on your plate, it’s refreshing to know
accomplishments. The 365-day, year-at-a- one universal crowd pleaser still exists- Piz-
glance wall calendar is designed specifically za! Now, you can’t just make your everyday
for planning big goals and new adventures cheese or pepperoni when guests abound,
while staying on top of daily tasks. so Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! is a great resource for
As a small business owner, planning coming up with an innovative recipe that
your year ahead is essential to success. will delight your tastebuds and your guests.
From networking meetings to company Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! features 75 different
deadlines, there is always an important recipes and ideas for homemade sauces
date that needs your attention. It’s hard to and sides. If you find yourself cooking for
give these monumental dates the attention someone on a specialized diet, do not stress
they deserve when they are hidden away because this cookbook includes vegan and
on your phone under a sea of personal vegetarian options for even the pickiest of
apps and alerts. Having the ability to view eaters. Beautiful photos, along with easy-to-
each commitment written out in front of follow instructions, make this book the ideal
you makes keeping your business afloat an stocking stuffer or accompaniment to a piz-
easier task. The dry-erase coating means za oven or pizza making kit this Christmas.
that even when plans are canceled, you stay One of our favorite festivities in our
organized. house is cooking with the grandkids on
Not to mention, this unique item makes Christmas Eve. After showing them the
the perfect gift for college students or myriads of options, the grandbabies have
family members looking to organize their decided to make the BBQ Chicken Pizza and
day-to-day lives. with the photos and easy steps, we know