Page 39 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 39
Power Women
month to support each other and learn your clients even if it is after hours or on convince you to work with us, and then
new skills. They talk openly about their the weekend." charge you more than it makes sense for
ambitions and encourage each other to “I would suggest that you start off you. We only bring you in a when we feel
take on new challenges. Together, they with a big company that provides initial like you actually need us.”
can go further and stand up for equality.” training since the smaller boutique firms Gina talks very highly of her business
The circle is helpful if someone in the like mine are not usually in a position to and shares why she feels it is unlike
group is struggling with a problem and train, as they don’t have the manpower most financial advisory firms. “I think
someone in the circle has gone through to train or hold your hand through the the most important thing would be that
a similar experience, they get to share learning process.” our office is not like a typical financial
how they overcame the problem. Circle I asked Gina if being so young is a establishment. We are always ready and
members provide support and answers deterrent to her clients. Do you find that adaptable to change. And I don't think
to challenging issues for the group. “I people look at you and say, well, how that is a typical characteristic for a finan-
just recently joined their board, and I can you know about planning for retire- cial advisory firm. This industry is very
am the circle development advisor. So, ment and all the nuances of the financial conservative. We are not like that. The
when someone wants to start a circle, markets when you weren't even alive second any kind of technology emerges
I help them do so. They come to my through most of the major economic to make managing your finances more
meetings and see how it can be run, but events we experienced? "Yes, some feel convenient for the client, we jump at
each circle meeting is different, unique.” that way, but the great thing is I am not the opportunity to incorporate it in our
There have been a lot of surveys alone, my partner John has worked in firm. We are also very philanthropic as a
done, and the results show that approx- the financial arena for 27 years so I can firm, and we encourage all of our team
imately 80% of women say that being always refer them to him should they to reach out and share this with our
part of Lean In has dramatically helped feel that way. There are however other clients. Yes, there are tax advantages to
them make decisions in their lives and clients who are impressed with my being philanthropic, but with our firm,
that they find it a valuable part of their wealth of knowledge at my young age it is more than that. We want our clients
life. “I think what I enjoy most about and often say that knowing as much as to make choices based on the right
Lean In is that I get to combine my ca- I do now, they can't imagine what I will reasons.”
reer, with my love of education and also be able to accomplish for them 5, 10 or Learn more about Jet Wealth Advi-
being involved in the community.” 15 years from now." sors at
I asked Gina what suggestions she At Jet Wealth it is evident that Gina's If you have interest in getting in-
would give to those wanting to excel in team are not just working associates, but volved with Lean In go to https://www.
the financial industry. “I would say you more like a family. "I really just love the for more infor-
have to be prepared to be really self-dis- people I work with. Everyone really cares mation.
ciplined. Most of the time investment about our clients and each other. What is To Join Gina’s lean in circle go to
planning is a very entrepreneurial great, too, is that we have no minimum
endeavor, so at the end of the day you assets under management requirements to sign up
must know what you are doing and be for our clients. If someone isn't ready To reach Gina via phone call her at
the best you can be at it. There are long to work with an advisor, we won't push (858) 457-1003 or on her cell at (818)
hours, and you have to be accessible to them to do so. We're not going to try to 309-6536
Investment products and services are offered through Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC (WFAFN), Member SIPC. Jet
Wealth Advisors is a separate entity from WFAFN. Paid Advertisement.