Page 38 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 38

Power Women

                                                             Gina Ellen

                                                                    By Judith A. Habert
                                                                   Photos courtesy of Gina Ellen

                                            I love San Diego because it is such a   opportunity for them and call them up
                                            dog-friendly town."                  immediately to share it. We also encour-
                                               Gina works with an advisory partner,   age clients to call us whenever they
                                            John P. Toman and a team of dedicated   come across an idea to discuss whether
                                            professionals who have built an organi-  it might work for them. Unlike other
                                            zation that genuinely cares for their cli-  companies that do quarterly reviews, we
                                            ent's needs. Gina's team is involved in all   are in contact with our clients monthly
                                            aspects of their client's financial matters.   to make sure all is well and be certain
                                            They often provide complex advice in tax   that we are servicing their wealth
                                            efficient strategies, and access to a net-  planning needs proactively, rather than
                                            work of qualified, ethical professionals   waiting and reacting."
                                            to whom they can direct clients working   I asked Gina what she loved most
                                            as a sort of gatekeeper for their clients'   about her current position, and she lit
                                            financial lives. "What makes Jet Wealth   up as she responded to the question,
                                            Advisors different than most other firms   "Education is definitely my favorite part
                                            is our customer service. Every one of our   of my job. I love being able to educate
           When you grow up with a Mom and   clients has our cell phone numbers and   my clients. Often I will meet a client who
        Dad who started their own Financial   can reach us at any time, day or night   is really interested in financial matters,
        Firm and grew it to be one of the top   and weekends too. Our clients are like   but they were never taught even the ba-
        independent advisors in California, it   family to us, and regardless of when they   sics. I think that as children we should all
        is easy to understand the drive and   need us, we are there."            be educated on finances in school. I’ve
        determination which was passed down    Gina and her team relate to their   met several clients who may have been
        to Gina Ellen. Born and raised in Cala-  clients as if they were family and share   taught the Pythagorean theorem in
        basas California, Gina was engulfed in   in all of their life-changing experiences,   school but have no idea how to do their
        the financial industry as a young girl. “I   the birth of a baby, the purchase of a   taxes. I feel that our educational sys-
        tell people I knew the rule of 72 by the   new home, or on a sadder note even the   tem needs adjusting. Personal finance
        time I was 12.” Gina’s Dad loved what   death of a family member. These conver-  shouldn’t be a university elective like
        he did and shared it with his 5 children.   sations are what Gina believes enables   it is now, but several different financial
        “We would be driving to go get lunch,   her team at JET Wealth to add the most   basics classes should be mandatory,
        or to my basketball game or something   value. She says, “the financial industry’s   starting in the elementary years.”
        and my dad would open up the stocks   status quo is to talk numbers, but that’s   One of Gina’s main passions is her
        app on his phone, and he would say ‘if   backwards.”                     association with Lean In. “I work with
        you can guess where the Dow is within   She believes one of the key ingredi-  LeanIn.Org, which is a nonprofit organi-
        100 points, you can pick where we go to   ents to success in this field is listening to   zation founded by Sheryl Sandberg, the
        lunch, or something like that."     your clients and getting to know them   COO of Facebook. It is an organization
           Being engulfed in financial mat-  and what their goals are. “We want to   which focuses on supporting women. So
        ters at an early age turned out to be a   know what kind of lifestyle they want to   that's one of the ways I get to fulfill my
        motivating factor for Gina. She spent   have and once we know that, then we   need to help educate women. I recently
        one year at Rider University in New   can reverse engineer their investment   heard the statistic that in the next few
        Jersey and then transferred to USD. Gina   plans to get them to the place they want   years, over $13 trillion worth of wealth
        double-majored at first in International   to be.”                       is going to be in the hands of women.
        Business and Finance, and when she     Gina's team has a goal in mind, and   So, women need to be educated and
        transferred to USD, she added a minor in   that is to build lifelong relationships   prepared.”
        Chinese.                            with their clients, meeting their children,   For those not familiar with Lean In,
           Gina's time at USD allowed her to   grandchildren, and sometimes even   Gina shares the following, “It's actually
        fall in love with San Diego and so this is   their parents. This helps with family   a lot of peer mentoring, which I think is
        where she started her career, "Plus I have   succession planning. “Our duty is to   just as valuable as experienced men-
        two dogs, male twin Australian Kelpies   watch out for our clients at all times, and   toring. Members meet in small groups
        whom I adore and are part of the reason   in doing so, we might come across an   called Lean In Circles once or twice a

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