Page 37 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 37
Power Women
previously had any wealth of their own. performance I am missing. Now I have her clients. “No one client is the same as
It can be complex and overwhelming. A something to bring home to her to show another client. Their family structures are
lot of people don't know how to start that her why I missed it.” different, their personalities are different,
process and how to mitigate their person- Balancing a family and a busy law their objectives are different. This is one
al risk, because there's a lot of personal practice isn’t always easy, but Danielle of the reasons why I love what I do. I can
risk involved in serving as a trustee. I like does it with grace and aplomb. Even if she tailor my experience and insight across
teaching my clients how to handle these has a crazy week at her firm, she always different practice areas and my depth of
types of situations. I suppose I get the love finds a way to make time for her family. understanding of not only the law, but of
of teaching from my mom, and, in these the individual needs and desires of my
cases, I have the opportunity to really help clients and come up with something that's
people.” uniquely tailored for them.”
Statistically, it is not unusual for I asked Danielle what tips she could
Danielle’s female clients to outlive their offer our readers who may have an inter-
spouses. “My female clients who come to est in going into the legal field in the area
me after their husbands have died often of trusts and estates planning.
need assistance in learning how to man- “You really need to do your due dili-
age their finances. I will help them iden- gence and homework and talk to a variety
tify and secure proper assistance with all of people from various legal fields. There
their financial needs, but a big part of my are a lot of choices out there. So, do your
responsibility lies in teaching and empow- homework before making that decision.
ering them to take care of their finances. By all means, get a mentor. It will give
I get great joy in doing so; helping my you the best chance of being a success
clients learn how to start managing their regardless of which type of law or practice
own finances as opposed to always being you select.”
dependent upon an attorney, financial Danielle gives back through her
planner, or accountant. I love watching involvement and support of multiple
the progression of someone who comes charities. In particular, Danielle de-
to me without prior experience managing votes significant time serving as a board
their financial life and assets, and then member and supporting the mission of
blossoms after I help them gain both “Promises2Kids,” a non-profit organi-
understanding and confidence. Helping zation that is dedicated to providing a
my clients get to the point where they are brighter future for foster children in San
in complete control of their future is very Diego (see our Charity section for more
rewarding to me.” “I treasure the time I spend with my information). One of the many important
In addition to the law and her daughter. Weekends are sacred. While I efforts of Promises2Kids is to work to
husband, David, the other true love in usually have to finish some work on the reunite siblings who have been separated
her life is her daughter Mallory, 13, who weekends, I'll wake up early to get my through the foster care system. “Being
is an aspiring actress. Mallory has been work done and then it’s all about whatever one of seven children, and having lost
enthralled with performing since she was she has going on. Sometimes we just like one of my siblings when I was 12, I know
a young girl. While juggling her busy law going on walks together. It’s great.” how difficult it is for a child to suddenly
practice, Danielle always finds a way to Danielle’s feelings about family spill not have a sibling in their life and how
be at all of Mallory’s special events, with over to her clients. Like her Dad, when traumatic that can be. So being part of
one exception – at Mallory’s Christmas Danielle takes on a client, she becomes this great organization that brings siblings
performance this past December 13. That engrained in their life. Danielle admits, back together and keeps them connected
day, Danielle had the honor of being cho- “My clients are like family because I hear is very meaningful. This is a cause that
sen as a finalist from hundreds of women their needs, deal with their problems. I try truly tugs at my heart.”
who had been nominated for the San to solve whatever challenges or situations If you are in search of a trusts and es-
Diego Business Journal’s Business Women they are facing and teach them in the tates attorney who takes care of her clients
of the Year Awards. A beautiful luncheon process. I view it as my role as a lawyer like family and goes above and beyond
was held to announce and honor the to take my clients' problems on as my – for her Firm and for the community,
winners and when Danielle was called own and then, of course, to find effective Danielle Humphries unquestionably fits
to the podium as one of only 25 award solutions.” the bill.
recipients, the first words of her accep- Danielle is a perfect example of an
tance speech were, “First and foremost, I attorney who knows how to think outside Visit the Website of Hahn Loeser at https://
want to thank my daughter whose holiday the box and creatively for the benefit of