Page 35 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 35
Power Women
Amanda Cosolito
By Carol Heath
Photos courtesy of Amanda Cosolito
She told me that when you decide to With over 25 years of experience in
hire Addir Design, you will work with the the hospitality industry, Addir Design
same team from inception to comple- has a proven track record with all major
tion. Together you create an awe-inspir- hotels, and they have been instrumental
ing project that is not only majestic in in branding hotels such as Hilton, IHG,
its nature, but also exhibits a certain no- Starwood, and Marriott just to name a
bility that reflects the client’s ideas and few. Recently completed is the entrance
Addir Design’s vision, I am paraphrasing and lobby of the Holiday Inn Express in
NTRODUCING IN THIS CORNER AMAN- here, but I’m reasonably sure that is what Escondido. Presently they are working on
Ida Cosolito, San Diego State graduate she said. two projects in Temecula, Vitagliano Vine-
with a BA, emphasis in Interior Design, As most of Addir Design’s clients are yards & Winery’s new tasting room and
proud wife of a Marine Corps officer commercial, Amanda explained that restaurant and a new Marriott Autograph
stationed at Camp Pendleton, and a your project designer would work with Hotel, Truax Hotel. I can’t wait to see the
member of the powerhouse design team the client’s complete team, i.e., architect, finished project as Amanda shared a few
known as Addir Design. The only thing contractor, engineers, and anyone else details, sorry top secret can’t tell. Check
I knew about Amanda before I inter- that would contribute to the construc- out their Pinterest page for more photos
viewed her was that she was an Interior tion of the building and together every- and maybe an idea or two.
Designer; I learned quickly that she is not one’s expertise is integrated; the result is I invite you to go to www.addirde-
‘your mothers’ interior designer. a cohesive aesthetic finished product. In to see some of the hotel en-
Amanda represents Addir Design short, you will never be passed around trances, hospitality areas, common areas
an interior design firm that focuses on from one person to another, which and then you can see that they truly live
corporate structures, i.e., hotels, resorts, makes the firm very unique from the way up to their name with the majestic and
multi-family units, restaurants, and they create to the special attention they truly regal environment they create for a
hospitality. I don’t know about you, but give all their clients. rich and inviting atmosphere. Their ser-
I actually never gave it much thought Working with their multi-family unit vices expand to selecting and procuring
about who designed these types of clients, Amanda strives to create a sense furniture, art, and accessories, they really
structures. So, I will admit that Amanda of community within the environment do everything down to the slightest
had to educate me and she did so with by incorporating activation zones where detail.
pride and enthusiasm. The very first people can gather for social, business, Amanda is the face of Addir Design,
thing she taught me was that the name or fitness related activities. The ameni- and she represents them with grace and
Addir is derived from a Hebrew word ties are created in such a way that you above all, with a true sense of sincerity.
meaning majestic, noble and powerful. want to join in, rather than just use them I got the feeling that Addir Design was
Nothing like putting pressure on yourself alone. “Trends in multi-family develop- more than just a job for Amanda, it is
having to live up to those adjectives. ments are focusing on amenities that her passion. She loves what she does,
After some preliminary information, use technology to bring people togeth- and her enthusiasm is infectious as is the
I asked Amanda: What makes your firm er and collaborate in new ways,” says pride she expresses at being the wife of
different from some other design firm? Amanda. a U.S. Marine Corps officer.