Page 32 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 32

Power Women

             ‘The Future is Female’ is More

                          Than a T-Shirt Slogan

         How Three San Diego Women Are Neutralizing Bias and Accelerating Change in Business

                                                     By April Enriquez
                                          Photos By Nikkie Achartz of Snap Savvy Strategies

                                                                                          startup founders are poised to
                                                                                          raise capital, be more effective
                                                                                          leaders and efficiently in-
                                                                                          crease their existing revenue.
                                                                                          The founders also receive a
                                                                                          $20,000 investment from Ad
                                                                                          Astra Ventures.
                                                                                             “We’re using our expertise
                                                                                          to create change in our corner
                                                                                          of the universe,” said Dinama-
                                                                                          ni. “Gender equality is much
                                                                                          bigger than one vertical, but
                                                                                          we hope that doing our part
                                                                                          will create a ripple effect that
                                                                                          stretches far beyond business.”
                                                                                             Before launching Ad
                                                                                          Astra Ventures, the trio served
                                                                                          on countless panels together,
                                                                                          collaborated over early-stage
                                                                                          investment funds and more.
                                       San Diego’s startup scene   founding Solana Beach-based   At first, they were discouraged
        “Despite all the challenges   brought three distinctive   Ad Astra Ventures, which   – and even annoyed – because
        we face,” Hilary Clinton   women together: Vidya Di-  translates to “to the stars” in   of the lack of female founders
        said, “I remain convinced   namani, co-founder of Prod-  Latin. They founded Ad Astra   at pitch nights, in incubators
                                                                                          and at funding events, but
                                                              Ventures with a simple vision:
                                   uct Rebels, Allison Long Pet-
        that yes, the future is    tine, founding partner of Seed   to get even.          instead of talking about it over
        female.”                   San Diego, and Dr. Silvia Mah,   “After working togeth-  yet another cup of coffee, they
                                   startup investor and scientist.   er for many years, we knew   decided to do something.
           A phrase that’s been    They knew they were doing   our collective calling was to   “We learned a lot about
        around since the 1970s, and   great work to affect change in   champion equal representa-  what it takes to get there
        was reignited by Clinton, is   the business community, but   tion of women and minorities   [growing a successful startup],
        prompting action globally. It’s   something big was missing.  starting companies, having a   and we were ready to create
        more than buying a t-shirt     “Investing capital into   seat at the table, and getting   change in a much bigger way,”
        emblazoned with the slogan,   female-led businesses is some-  funded,” said Mah. "Further,   Dinamani remarked.
        though. It takes emotional   thing, but it's not everything,”   we knew we shared the same   Dinamani brings product
        endurance. It takes a commit-  said Mah. “We wanted to do   values of integrity, impact, and  expertise as well as leadership
        ment to make the world a bet-  more, so we decided to com-  action, and could each bring   working within corporate
        ter place through actionable   bine our unique experiences   something different to the   America; Long Pettine has
        programs and solutions that   to better equip female found-  table," added Mah.   a deep understanding of the
        are challenging yet attainable.   ers for exponential growth.”   The organization provides   startup funding ecosystem
        It takes a special group of peo-  One year ago the trio with   12-week business accelerator   with nearly 15 years in venture
        ple to pull off a mission like   more than 30 years of com-  programs for revenue-gen-  capital; and Mah brings expe-
        this – and it’s happening right   bined business experience put   erating female-led startups.   rience across multiple fields
        now in San Diego.          their commitment to work by   Upon exiting the program,   including entrepreneurship,

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