Page 27 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 27

He Said                                                                                 She Said

                                                           Photos by Lisa K. Miller
                                 Robert                                       Judith A.
                                 Tussey                                         Habert

                             He Said                                                 She Said

           Question: How do men feel about powerful women?   I do a lot of interviews with women in extremely powerful positions.
        Answer: There’s no simple ‘one size fits all’ answer.   During the course of our interview, I will often ask them how they are
           Generationally I see a big difference. The Greatest   treated in relations to the men in their company. This is especially true
        Generation (my parents) are having a more difficult time   when the woman is in a field that was formerly male-dominated. I am
        adjusting than Boomers. And each succeeding generation   happy to say that the older women will talk about how it used to be, but
        seems to be much better informed and prepared for how   how much better it is today. So, I do believe that we have come a long
        society is changing on all fronts; especially those regarding   way baby! (that comment just totally dated me) Most of the younger
        women.                                             women don’t understand the struggles that us older broads have had
           We boomers grew up in an era of massive change that   to overcome. I can remember in the old days, (yes the ‘80’s) I was a
        pushed and shoved all of us to think more globally. Women   Technical Representative for Canon USA. In this position, I traveled
        were supposed to be homemakers, and the single income   around the country doing trade shows and trying to convince Nikon
        family was in full swing. It didn’t last. Women’s rights, the   users to convert to Canon. It was a great job, I was in my early 20’s, I
        ERA (actually began in 1923 as part of the first wave of the   got to travel all over, but ran into one huge obstacle. While at the trade
        Suffragettes), NOW, the Civil Rights Movement all exploded   shows lines would form of consumers wanting to ask technical questions
        in the 60s. Strong women taking a stand against the male-  about the equipment. In front of me, there was never a line. At one of
        dominated norm was not met with acceptance. As we move   the shows, the lines were so long that a gentleman came over to me to
        through the rest of the century and up to the current time,   ask me a very entailed question regarding a technical problem he was
        change has been painfully slow. Civil Rights along with   having with his camera. I answered his question, and he looked at
        Women’s Rights has never had the support and dedication   me amazed. He walked away, but came back about ten minutes later
        to see these issues to fruition. Until now.        and said “I have to apologize to you,” I asked why? He said, “I had no
           Women rose to their feet and demanded a seat at the   intention of coming to you with that question, but the lines were too
        table. The 2018 election saw a sea change in how women’s   long for the male reps, and I was in a hurry, so I came to you.” I smiled
        rights were going to be addressed. With the rise of Me Too!   understanding that this was usually the case, so I wasn’t going to hold
        and other groups the statement was clear: We’re here, and   it against him. He then added “I come to these shows all the time and I
        we aren’t going away. From my vantage point, as a 68-year-  have asked that question of countless Tech Reps, and no one knew the
        old Boomer, I applaud every gain. A majority of my friends   answer. You solved a problem for me that no one else could, so I’m sorry
        in this demographic feel the same. But there are still too   I judged you based on gender.”
        many that don’t get it. Will they ever? Doubtful.    Would this happen today? Maybe, maybe not. I am certain it is less
           Let’s not talk about the political inferences. Too divisive.   prevalent in 2019 then it was in the 1980s. I feel like in some ways I,
        But we must (at least) acknowledge it’s pivotal roll in   along with many women of that era, helped initiate the changes that
        the history of how we got here. Recognize that the sheer   we have today. Men understand that women are their equals…in some
        numbers and power of this third wave of feminism can no   ways. I think in the business world they are forced to accept it, especially
        longer be ignored or sidelined.                    when their boss is female. I think men enjoy having a woman in their
           Women-owned businesses far outstrip their male   lives who can command a high salary and take some of the stress off
        counterparts. More women are in college than ever before.   of them with the high costs of living, but do they want their wives or
        But, the pay inequity still exists. I see a shift here too. It’s   girlfriends to make more money than them, or hold a more senior
        taken far too long.                                position? Some men are just fine with it, as Bob said, perhaps most
           Do powerful women intimidate men? Yes, that’s going   men. There are those who are old school and still want to hold the power
        to take a while. Each succeeding generation will have less   position in the relationship, and for many, that is solely based on salary.
        and less resistance to this shift, fostering an America that   We can be powerful women without flaunting it in our man’s face. A
        truly represents the whole of our society. I know (in my   good man is proud of his wife or girlfriend and wants her to succeed,
        heart) that change will come more rapidly.         and thankfully I do believe that this is the case for most men in 2019.

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