Page 28 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 28
Pearls of Wisdom
beats. Finally, thyroid hor- brain fog, intestinal discom-
mones are fundamentally fort, and skin rashes. I recom-
important, because they mend that all adults have their
affect every cell in your body. blood checked for markers of
Antibodies to the thyroid, inflammation, heavy metals,
called Hashimoto’s Disease can thyroid function, hormones
cause autoimmune symptoms. and micronutrients such as
Checking and balancing hor- vitamin D, chromium, sele-
mones is critical to health. nium, etc. I strongly believe
that individuals with gas and
Know Your Numbers: Know- bloating or heartburn and gas-
ing your cholesterol level is trointestinal challenges should
simply not enough. Inflam- have an assessment of their
mation is the final pathway microbiome and blood testing
for most diseases, and it has for food sensitivity. Of course,
Having just celebrated Heart Month in February we many causes. For example, advanced lipid testing is
wanted to reinforce the importance of good heart skin rashes like eczema, food critical for assessing additional
health. Although heart disease remains the number sensitivities, being overweight, risk factors for cardiovascular
one cause of morbidity and mortality in women, it is viral infections and heavy met- disease. In addition, genetic
testing helps us personalize
als like mercury can all cause
completely preventable and even reversible! Many inflammation. Even the food medications and supplements,
women say “all of my family has heart disease, we eat is linked to inflamma- determine the risk of nutrient
isn’t it inevitable?” The answer is simple; you are tion. Many people experience deficiencies and the risk of
more than your genes! How you live your life is inflammation as joint pain, major health challenges such
what has the largest impact on your physical
and emotional health. At Pacific Pearl La Jol-
la we take a 7-step approach to all health
challenges including cardiovascular
You are what you eat. sardines. Don’t forget to elim-
Cleaning out the pantry is inate the liquid calories: soda,
usually the first step to getting fruit juice, and alcohol.
and staying healthy. Most
of America is over-fed and Balance Your Hormones.
undernourished. Eliminating Everyone knows that low
inflammatory foods like sugar, testosterone can make men
gluten and dairy will energize feel tired and low estrogen
you and help you achieve your can cause women to experi-
optimal weight. Fill your plate ence hot flashes. While these
with greens like kale, arugula, sex hormones are critically
and broccoli. Create a rain- important, don’t forget that
bow of color with cauliflower, stress hormones like cortisol
endive, carrots, zucchini, green and adrenaline can make
beans, and beets. Eat more you sick and even cause you
lentils, legumes, nuts, and to gain weight. Adrenaline,
seeds. Choose healthy fat like sometimes called speed, is
avocados, nuts and olive oil. linked to heart disease, high
If you eat fish, go for the ones blood pressure, high choles-
that are low in mercury like terol and heart arrhythmia
wild salmon, fresh trout and like palpitations and skipped