Page 23 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 23
Photos Courtesy of Becky Hsu
ing out with friends and a sweet and kind friend, and
camping with her family, I feel lucky that I know her,
mom and dad Emily and we share a lot of the same
John, support their daugh- friends. Here is some fun
ter 100% however Hailey info about Hailey, she shares
isn’t the only superstar in a birthday with her mom
the family, brothers Nolan, and Hailey also has a horse
Ethan and Shawn are amaz- named Max.
ing baseball players as well. I hope this story gives
I know because Shawn plays hope to other kids strug-
with my brother Billy some- gling with Dyslexia, it does
times on the same team.
This family is no stranger
to competitive sports. At
the end of the competition
season, Hailey finished not have to define who you
with a gold medal and said are, use the things in your
she will continue pursuing life as a lesson to learn from
her dreams doing her high and don’t let it affect your
flying sport for the 2019 friendships, if they are truly
season and jokes that goal your friends they will accept
is to be able to touch the you no matter what your
rafters of her gym. Hailey is differences are.