Page 26 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 26


                                           Hera Venture

                                       Summit Experience

                                                     By Sofia Mah
                                               Photos Courtesy of Sofia Mah

           “The Hera Venture Sum-  someone who is just starting   with a heart for the Lord and   since then, been featured on
        mit brings together women   their business?” I love meet-  a sharp businesswoman. Erin   K-Love as an inspirational
        from all over San Diego to   ing everyone who attends   is someone who inspires me.   speaker and now considering
        collaborate and find ways   the Hera Venture Summit,   Erin is the author and CEO of  doing a TV series from the
        to support each other and   from female angel investors,   the series, Bible Belles. Bible   books she authored. I love
        work together,” says, Summer   women venture capitalists   Belles teaches valuable stories   creative writing, and I am so
        Rogers, Startup CEO, Serial   and female founders; feeling   to young girls about staying   blessed to have interviewed
        Entrepreneur. I had a won-  inspired by each and every   true to who you are. Bible   Erin, an inspiring author, and
        derful opportunity to inter-  one of them.            Belles also teaches lessons of   see what a beautiful woman
        view inspiring woman entre-    “For me, the pitches that   being kind, loving, forgiving,   she is.
        preneurs and angel investors   stand out the most are the   encouraging, caring, and   Another person who in-
        for the past three years at   ones that start right away   more. Bible Belles has always   spired me at the Hera Venture
        the Hera Venture Summit.   with solving a problem,"   encouraged me to be myself.   Summit and someone who
        These women gather from    says Regina Bernal, TEDx   I was so fortunate to be able   inspires me every day is my
        all over San Diego and come   Speaker, and USD entrepre-  to interview and talk to Erin   mom, Dr. Silvia Mah, Found-
        together at the Hera Ven-  neur manager. This advice   about her business. “As a   er of Hera Labs and Hera
        ture Summit to collaborate,   could be applied anywhere.   mom, as a teacher, and as a   Angels. “My highest achieve-
        learn, and network together.   Whether you're giving a pitch   coach I just really felt called   ment as an investor is today
        I am so overjoyed to be able   amongst a vast audience, or   to come alongside the next   because it's the Hera Venture
        to interview all the amazing   you're just giving a speech at   generation of girls and really   Summit! We get to talk about
        ladies who come to the Hera   school as to why you would   give them inspiration, and   awesome things, we get to
        Venture Summit. I get to ask   be the best student council   understanding of what real   talk about our portfolios. We
        questions like, “What is the   member.                beauty is around these female   can ask one another, how can
        passion and purpose behind     I was so honored to    heroes”, says Erin Weidmann,   we help each other out? How
        your business?” or “What   interview Erin Weidmann;   founder, and C-Encourage-   can we help each other’s start-
        advice would you give to   a fabulous startup founder   ment-O, Bible Belles. She has,   up,” says Silvia Mah. Even as
                                                                                          you walk down the halls of
                                                                                          the Hera Venture Summit,
                                                                                          you can hear people collab-
                                                                                          orating, networking, sharing
                                                                                          ideas, and you can listen to
                                                                                          people discovering ways to
                                                                                          improve their business. In-
                                                                                          terviewing powerful women
                                                                                          who make a huge impact is a
                                                                                          wonderful experience filled
                                                                                          with opportunity, even for a
                                                                                          young woman like me. It has
                                                                                          challenged me to reach for
                                                                                          my dreams, all the sparkling
                                                                                          stars, even though they may
                                                                                          seem to be galaxies away.

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