Page 29 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
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Pearls of Wisdom
as Alzheimer’s Disease and never have an emotional chal-
heart disease. lenge. Our genetics can help us
understand if we are wired for
Get Active: Find a way to anxiety, worry or even depres-
move. No matter your physical sion. This can be determined by
challenges, strive to be more genetic testing; however, even
active. Walk 10,000 steps per if you have a genetic suscep-
day, don’t drive unless you tibility, the way you live your Photos Courtesy of Pacific Pearl
absolutely must do so, park life will make all the difference.
the car further away, take the For example, Transcendental
stairs, garden, take a dance Meditation has been shown to
class, hire a personal trainer decrease the risk of heart at- Dr. Mimi Guarneri Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf
or join the Y. Limit your time tack, stroke and sudden death
in front of the television and 48%. Mindfulness-Based Stress Nancy Lonsdorf, MD is a John Hopkins and Stanford-trained
computer. Reduction improves telomer- physician who practices Integrative Ayurveda and over all health,
ase activity; this is the enzyme naturally at Guarneri Integrative Health at the Pacific Pearl. Call
858-459-6919 for details.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep: of longevity. Find your path to
Mimi Guarneri, MD is President of the Academy of Integrative
Sleeping pills have become a inner peace. This may be prayer, Health and Medicine. Dr. Guarneri is board certified in Internal
way of life for many people. yoga, meditation, walking in Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease and Integrative Medicine. She is
Not only does the body be- nature, practicing mantras, and the medical director and founder of Guarneri Integrative Health at
come dependent on them, but affirmations. Learn to change Pacific Pearl La Jolla.
they also do not actually help the way you think. If you tend For more information visit their site at
us achieve deep sleep. Exercise to be negative, catch your or call 858 459 6919
during the day and staying negative thoughts and reframe
active is one of the best ways them to something positive.
to ensure a good night’s sleep. Here is an example; instead of
Practice good sleep hygiene. saying “I am sick,” try saying “I
That means turning the lights am whole, I am healed.” Words Village Pharmacy
off and not keeping the tele- have power, and we want to
vision or radio on. Don’t read use that power to enhance our
emails or play with your digital well-being. Your Friendly Neighborhood Pharmacy
devices within 2 hours of bed-
time. Disturbing emails will Connect to People, Planet
keep you up at night, and the and Purpose: One of the
light from the computer sends most powerful interventions Badad Satasia, PharmD
signals to your brain that it is that I have witnessed in my
time to wake up! practice is connection. A
famous spiritual teacher once Proudly Serving Your Community
Find a Path to Inner Peace: said, “the ‘I’ in illness is isolation
Most addictive behaviors, and the ‘We’ in wellness is we.”
whether alcohol abuse, Do you know your purpose FREE RX DELIVERY
digital gaming, smoking, in life? What is your passion?
overeating or others, are re- What speaks to your soul? Phone:(760) 645-3021
lated to our emotional state. Connection is essential to Fax:(442) 444-8217
I hear over and over again in well-being. For some, connec- Email:
my practice, “I was so stressed, tion is to a higher power --their
I drank a bottle of wine, or I ate church, synagogue, temple or
a box of donuts.” How we re- mosque. Others may con-
spond to stress and challenge nect to nature and the great Village Pharmacy
is individual. Some people may outdoors. I encourage every- 587 East Elder Street, Suite C
have a genetic predisposition one to consider volunteering. Fallbrook, CA 92028
to depression and anxiety; It is so true that in giving we
others may learn good coping receive. So, find your purpose
skills from their parents and and find your tribe.