Page 25 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 25



                                                     By: Chloe Tabares

          Society, Society tells us what to do    When will society not matter         What if I want to play sports?
           But what if I don’t want to do that  Is there even a 1 percent chance      What if I want to play with cars?
             What if I break the rules like         That it will never matter            What if I want to work?
                  Like it’s a pencil         Everybody has their own personality but
              I am crossing boundaries?                   if society               What if they don’t want to play sports
            I am doing something wrong?               Walks in the door            What if they want to play with barbies?
            America is a free country right?  Their opinions will change immediately   What if they want to stay home?
             Then why do I not feel free?
                Why do I feel limited?         You don’t play with that, you’re a girl      What if……….
                Why do I feel judged?          No, I got this, it’s too heavy for you
               Why do I feel different?              Stay home and clean                   Why can’t I do this?
        I’m simply doing what makes me happy                                             Why can’t they do that?
                                                     You throw like a girl?            Why do I have to be judged?
          Why does society matter to people?          You like cooking?              Why do they have to be judged ?
               Everyone wants to fit in          You play with your sister’s toys?
                And If they don’t fit in                                                     When can I?
        They will change everything they stand       Girls don’t play sports                 When can I?
                       for                             Boys play sports                 When can I be who I am?
                     To fit in                      Girls play with barbies
                                                      Boys play with cars
                                                       Girls stay home
                                                       Boys go to work

                                                Warm Sand

                                                   By, Sophia D. Oropeza

                      I do not like the beach
                      But what I do like is the sound of the waves
                      The way my body sinks into the warmth of the sand and how my skin craves the light of the sun
                      The sounds puts me at ease
                      I feel calm, like I have no worries and in that moment, it feels as if I can control anything life throws at me.
                      But I can’t
                      I can not control a thing
                      I experience sharp pains and emotions that sound odd to an innocent ear
                      I can no longer control what or who I cry about
                      My tears pour like vicious rapids that could go on for miles
                      I am unable to describe how I feel
                      Both my brain and heart are no longer in sync

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