Page 20 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 20
Asher Anderson SUPERSTARS
Twins Avery and
By Nini Hodge
his issues article is going Chiefs for football. Avery is a someday becoming a profes- against Encinitas. However
Tto be double the news!!!!!, very loyal fan and whoever he sional catcher like Butcher they were 2nd place overall in
it’s about two amazing pow- picks to root for he will stick Posey. However, his education a field of 12 teams, it is also
erhouse TWIN boys named by them until the end. must come first. Asher’s favor- my understanding that this
Avery and Asher Anderson Asher is the youngest, by ite team is also the Giants. The team got farther than any other
age 12, who attend Mead- 2 min, of the Anderson family, boys will be aging up in 2019, Poway little league team has
owbrook middle school in Asher seems to love being the so this spring will be their last ever gotten in the last 8 years,
Poway. These two boys are focus, I had to ask and be nos- year they are able to play for good job boys, way to play ball.
amazing athletes as well as ey with Avery whereas Asher Poway Little League. Fun fact The twin’s parents are so very
kind human beings, the duo just openly shared all his info, about Asher is that he talks in proud, dad Ehrin and mom
plays travel baseball and is he is very talkative and likes his sleep on a regular basis, Chrissy support their boys love
on the well-known San Diego to speak for Avery a lot. Asher full on babbling, his mom of sports, Chrissy’s parents live
crush team. They have played loves all animals but has a spe- laughs and says “we can’t in Jamul and Ehrin’s live in
with the Poway National little cial bond with the family dog really understand him, but Florida, I am sure they are just
league since they moved to lovingly named Rambo, in his it’s a lot.” Asher seems to be as proud. These boys do share
Poway in 2009, they were born one dream, and that is to play
in Fontana California. I inter- baseball in Cooperstown New
viewed the twins separately York and visit the baseball hall
and then together, although of fame in the summer of 2019.
they are twins and share a lot Along with their im-
of the same interests they are pressive resumes’ these boys
quite separate individuals. It is added fundraising to their list
my understanding that Avery of accomplishments as Avery
is the “oldest twin” as he so and Asher along with their
proudly boasts by 2 minutes, teammates participated in the
Avery is on the honor roll Christmas in the Park event
and has excellent grades and in Old Poway Park where they
study habits and seems to be read Christmas stories to all
very creative however he is re- the kids and all the proceeds
served and quiet. He plays the from this event went towards
clarinet, (as do I) and started their trip. I had the pleasure
like a lot of kids do in 5th of meeting with these two
grade at Pomerado Elementa- boys at the baseball field they
ry, another task he completed frequent in Poway at Pomer-
in elementary school was that ado, and although they are
he ran for and was elected superstars they love some of
school treasurer in 4th grade. the same things I do, like Star-
Avery likes to help out with bucks, and they love to play
his little league association video games also, like Madden
by being a youth umpire and Football and MLB. One more
helping with snack shack, off time from playing baseball the instigator of the two, and piece of the puzzle is that
setting up and breaking down, he too can be found cleaning Avery seems to just be along the twins also have an older
bagging up leaves and doing up the fields and helps out as for the ride. brother Aydian who is in 8th
anything he can to keep the a youth umpire, he loves to Last year the boys were grade at their school and is a
fields looking nice for every- just hang out with his family picked to play in the All-Stars member of the school robotics
one. Avery started playing and loves music. In 5th grade with their little league team, team “Space Invaders.” Who
baseball at age 4, T ball is what at Pomerado Elem Asher was and this powerhouse duo made knows, maybe a future article
it is called for little kids, Avery voted class President. Asher it all the way to the last game about big brother Aydian, you
has two favorite sports teams, has dreams just like every of the championships, and will have to wait and see.
the Giants for baseball and the other kid his age, he dreams of they lost with a tough 9 - 5 loss N.H