Page 17 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 17

Fabulous Finds



        6.  Marika                          Find your perfect fit with everyday   Illuminating Serum, Botany Beauty Hy-
           Marika is an activewear brand    essentials like bum-sculpting leggings,   drosol Facial Tonic, and Botany Beauty
        designed for women by women in the   comfortable wear-anywhere pullovers   Cleansing Polish.
        heart of fashion and fitness in Los An-  and yoga mats that support your best   This super skin restoral program
        geles, California. The original women’s   sun salutation. With a positive attitude   brings softness and improves clarity
        fitness apparel brand, founded in 1982   and comfortable clothes, we can con-  with a gentle exfoliating facial treat-
        at the height of the aerobics boom,   quer anything.                     ment that utilizes Pineapple and Papaya
        Marika continues to exude inspiration,   To see their extensive line of cloth-  extracts to decongest and exfoliate dull,
        energy, and confidence into the present   ing and accessories visit them at www.  dead skin cells. The key ingredients of
        day. With 37 years of experience and and find that perfect outfit   Hibiscus Petals, Ground Olive Seeds
        an all-female team of design special-  to make you feel wonderful no matter   and Cranberry Seeds gently whisk away
        ists, you can be guaranteed to find the   what the day has in store for you.   tired skin and reveal a fresh, youthful
        perfect product that fits your hectic                                    glow! Not only does it give your skin a
        lifestyle. No matter how intense or low   7.  Malie Organics’ Botany Beauty Box  quick pick me up but it smells incredi-
        key your life is, their styles are designed   Malie, pronounced mah-lee-ay is   ble.
        for performance and all-day comfort.  calm, serene, tranquil with all of their
           One of the best things about Marika   products powered by the best plant   Our not-so-secret Secret? Hawaiian
        is that its product line is appealing to   science available. Headquartered on the   Hydrosols.
        price-conscious women 20-55+, from   Garden Island of Kauai, Malie has been a   You may not have heard of them, but
        size small to 3X, they offer a consistently   leader in the natural and organic beauty   they’re powerful, effective, and — most
        updated, and diverse portfolio of active-  space since 2004. With cutting-edge   importantly — the foundation of every
        wear, athleisure & fitness accessories for   plant science at their core. They hand-  Malie product since their inception. To
        the gym and beyond.                 craft luxurious products that capture the  make sure these handcrafted aromatic
           Marika features lightweight &    essence of the tropics, allowing you to   floral waters embody the true essence
        seamless fabrics for ultimate support   experience paradise anywhere.    of their native tropical flora, they use
        and comfort, as well as shape enhancing   With Winter coming to a close our   an advanced hydro-distillation process
        leggings crafted using patented tech-  skin needs to be restored and revi-  to extract the most potent and bene-
        nologies to flatten, slim and sculpt your   talized. The perfect solution is Malie   ficial components of native plants and
        figure! What more could any woman   Organics Botany Beauty Box. It contains   flowers. Their soothing, rejuvenating for-
        hope for?                           everything you will need to get that   mulations incorporate some of Hawaii’s
           Marika is an active lifestyle brand for   summer glow back.           most beloved tropical flora, including
        the gym and beyond. They have got you   Included in this beauty kit is Botany   plumeria, pikake, maile/koke’e, mango
        covered no matter what the day holds.   Beauty Luxe Eye Cream, Botany Beauty   nectar, hibiscus, and coconut.

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