Page 15 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 15

Fabulous Finds



        in gorgeous style. The Lancet Scarlet is   Go to https://milestonecandles.  original knit shoe, and to this day, the
        sleek, elegant and an instant collectible   com/ or contact jamie@milestonecan-  knit LS walking shoes are Arcopédi-
        with just 50 limited editions available.                      co’s top-selling style. As the line has
           Visit their website at https://www.                                   increased in style, it has also taken the                   3.  Arcopédico Shoes Saved The Day   world by storm. Handmade in Portugal
                                               If you are in search of a great look-  Arcopédico shoes are now available in
        2.  Milestone Candles               ing shoe that is as comfortable as your   40 countries around the world
           Celebrate Life’s Milestones      bedroom slippers you need look no      The L19 is the shoe that conquered
           Do you have a special event coming   further. Arcopédico shoes changed my   Disneyland and a bad knee. I can fully
        up in your life? Are you looking for a   belief that this was indeed an impossi-  understand why it is a favorite of Arcope-
        product that will be a keepsake for fam-  ble wish to fulfill.           dico customers worldwide! This bootie’s
        ily and friends, then take a look at Mile-  A week after a knee injury I was   patented Lytech™ synthetic upper mate-
        stone Candles. These candles are made   certain I would have to cancel my   rial is lightweight, breathable, vegan, and
        in the USA, and are hand poured with   granddaughter’s birthday trip to   offers a flexible barely-there feel to help
        a 100% cotton wick. They are beauti-  Disneyland, but thanks to Arcopédico   promote healthy circulation.
        fully personalized for the special event   shoes I managed a full day of walking   It’s a great travel shoe as the
        you are celebrating. The list of events   the immense grounds of Disneyland   Lytech™ upper can fold up to a small
        is extensive including the birth of your   and hardly remembered that I had any   size in your suitcase, but will regain its
        baby, graduation celebration, house   injury at all.                     shape as soon as you put it on.
        warming, your child’s first birthday   How could a pair of shoe/boots be   The posh sole features Arcopedico’s
        and even one to celebrate a break-up   that comfortable? The hallmark of all   patented twin arch support, and the
        or divorce. Whatever the event, these   Arcopédico shoes can be seen in two   side zipper allows for ease when slip-
        candles will be cherished by family   fundamental design principles: the   ping on and off.
        members for years to come. Even when   “barefoot” upper, a soft, non-binding de-  In 2017 Arcopédico introduced the
        they have used the candles, they will   sign that conforms to the top of the foot   Easy Walk Experience® Line. The Lolita
        still have the 6.5 oz customized tin as a   to allow circulation and all-day comfort,   walking flats are the first style designed
        reusable keepsake.                  The patented, metal-free twin arch-sup-  under this line. Designed for the active
           What makes Milestone Candles even  port soles (made from molded polyure-  lifestyle, Lolita showcases Arcopédico’s
        more desirable is that a percentage of   thane), which protect the foot arch and   patented Elstech® technology upper
        the profits goes to support St. Jude’s   allows the distribution of body weight   which is a blend of Lycra®materials. Els-
        Children’s Hospital. We love companies   through the entire plantar surface.   tech®offers bidirectional support while
        that give back while creating quality   The year was 1966 when Arcopédi-  conforming to the foot’s natural shape.
        products.                           co’s founder Elio Parodi, invented the   With an overall weight of only 120g

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