Page 14 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 14

Fabulous Finds


        1.  William Henry Luxury Items for      William Henry has an exclusive   with. (Please note, due to governmen-
           the Man in Your Life             selection of luxury items that will leave   tal restrictions, this item cannot be
           This company was first introduced   the man in your life speechless when   shipped to the State of California)
        to us as the go-to site to select unique   he opens your gift. The workmanship
        gifts for that special guy in your life to   of each of their products is exquisite   William Henry Mask Cufflinks $495
        celebrate a very special Valentine’s Day.   with each item a true work of art. Your   Cufflinks are worn by today’s most
        All of the editors, and their significant   special someone will cherish your gift   self-assured men. And Mask is no
        others, truly believe that this compa-  from William Henry for years and years   exception, with a unique reveal crafted
        ny and their products go way beyond   to come.                           from fine silver that allows for glimps-
        Valentine’s Day.                       Take a look at these special items   es of the blushing red carnelian stone
           In comparison, women are extreme-  and then get lost in the multitude of   within. Symbolizing a heart captured,
        ly easy to shop for on those special   equally beautiful items throughout   these cufflinks are a small accent de-
        occasions, men, on the other hand, not   their catalog:                  signed to make a big statement.
        so much. So, holiday after holiday you
        will find our staff asking each other,   William Henry Bolt II Ruby $450   William Henry Carbon Pinnacle Dog
        what are you buying your husband, or   This exquisite pen conveys passion   Tags $395
        boyfriend for his birthday, Christmas, or   with purpose, with a barrel crafted from   William Henry’s rendition of a clas-
        Anniversary? We now know the answer.  ruby lava that highlights the organic   sic. The ‘Carbon Pinnacle features our
           William Henry is an American luxury   flow and swirl of the natural material.   signature ‘crushed’ carbon fiber inlaid
        brand for men, devoted to the vision   Crafted with stainless steel and accent-  into sterling silver, with a satin finished
        of designing and crafting collections   ed with spinel gemstones, this pen is   engraving panel on the back. Offered
        that integrate form and function into   designed to captivate him more than   on a sterling silver ball. Worn solo or
        exquisite and unique pieces, including   words alone could ever say.     layered, the dog tag is must have neck-
        jewelry, award-winning pocketknives,                                     piece.
        writing instruments and money clips.   William Henry Dino Shift $450
        The hallmark of the company’s work     Be still, beating heart. This neck   William Henry Lancet Scarlet pock-
        is the seamless integration of classic   piece is subtle and simple, letting the   etknife $3,500
        natural materials, precious metals and   blood-red color of 100-million-year-old   This beautiful pocketknife is a
        gemstones, and state-of-the-art alloys   fossil dinosaur bone speak volumes.   unique and personal statement, a one-
        to create superb designs that have   Highlighted by sterling silver, the rare   of-a-kind piece featuring hand-carved
        made William Henry one of the most   and exotic nature of authentic dino-  sterling silver, gold accents and a
        admired and sought-after brands in the   saur bone is one of the most treasured   beautiful deep red carnelian stone that
        world of luxury for men.            materials William Henry designers work   sets off the fine precious metal work

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