Page 9 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 9
The Boys & Girls Clubs of
Greater San Diego
By Carol Heath Photo courtesy of BGCGSD
The Boys & Girls Clubs of The BGCGSD offers enrich-
Greater San Diego (BGCGSD) is ing after school programs that
the largest Boys and Girls Club in focus on academic success, good
Southern California. They serve character, and a healthy lifestyle.
nearly 28,000 youths in their 18 These programs help transform
sites across San Diego County, young people's lives and help
which spans east to Borrego them grow into caring, produc-
Springs and south to National tive, civic-minded and successful can flourish. For a lot of these kids, “I am passionate about kids
City. The Boys and Girls Clubs of citizens of their communities. A the Boys and Girls Club becomes - making sure that all children
America has ranked BGCGSD in summer program is also offered their home away from home have the opportunity to be in
the top 2% of all Boys and Girls which includes field trips to muse- where they feel safe and secure. a safe environment surround-
Clubs in the entire country in ums and other cultural enriching The youths that attend these ed by opportunities to learn,
revenue and expenses, and the places that many of these young programs represent all social, eco- be creative, build friendships,
number of youths served. people would never have the nomic and ethnic backgrounds, and explore with well-trained
The Boys and Girls Clubs of opportunity to visit. The summer and they seek the same thing we loving people to help guide and
America began in the small com- programs also offer a variety of all do a chance to belong and to encourage them. I believe we are
munity of Harford, Connecticut in different crafts and art sessions; be the best they can be. positively changing lives with our
1806. Mary Goodwin, Alice Good- you never know when a Picasso Possibly the best person to clubs and know that the mem-
win, and Elizabeth Hammersley may develop. talk about the club would be ories being made today in our
believed that the boys who were Professional, well-trained staff someone who has been involved clubs will be some of the most
roaming the streets of Hartford members supervise and lead qual- as an integral part of the San Di- cherished for the children in the
needed a positive and nurturing ity programs during the critical ego Boys and Girls club for some future. To be a light in just one
alternative. Ergo, the first club was after-school hours and during the 14 years. Denette Stewart, Senior life brings so much more to my
organized with character devel- summer break from school, provid- Vice President of California Bank own, that is why I stay involved
opment as their main focus, and a ing a nurturing and supportive & Trust, has served on the board with this wonderful organization
cause was born. environment where young people since June 2005. – because I care.”
Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) provides the opportunity to traumatic injury, have physically
people with physical challeng-
impairing disease or were born
es, so that they can lead active with congenital impairments
If you visit the website of the Unfortunately, for many, lifestyles and compete in athletic resulting in a physical disability.
Challenged Athletes Foundation living an active lifestyle is out of events. It is founded in the belief CAF’s Operation Rebound®
(CAF), you will see this opening reach due to the expensive costs that involvement in sports at program strengthens the mental
statement. of adaptive sports equipment any level increases self-esteem, and physical well-being of
Everyone should get the and prosthetics. encourages independence and veterans, military personnel and
chance to feel nerves at a starting How very true this sentiment enhances the quality of life. first responders with permanent
line, the pride of victory, meeting is, and it is thanks to this great The Foundation does this by physical injuries by providing
friends at the skate park, watching organization that a lot more providing funding for training, them opportunities to use
a child compete, riding the longest of those who were challenged competition, rehabilitation and sports and fitness to re-integrate
wave, or the rush of cold air down athletes can enjoy these events specialized equipment for the into our communities and by
the slopes. These invigorating again. challenged athletes. Insurance empowering them through
aspects of the sport are the foun- The Challenged Athletes companies will only pay for the sports. Through Operation
dation of confidence, community, Foundation (CAF), established basic equipment they will not Rebound specific grant requests
inclusion, and empowerment. in 1997, assists, supports, and pay for any specialized equip- and sports clinics, CAF is there
ment which is needed for Chal- to support our service members
lenged Athletes to participate in from Frontline to Finish line. Visit
sporting events. their page on the CAF website at
Challenged Athletes Foun- https://www.challengedathletes.
dation was founded in 1997 in org/programs/operation-re-
response to below knee amputee bound/#overview to learn more.
endurance racer Jim MacLaren These are only a few of the
who suffered an accident while wonderful programs and grant
competing in a triathlon. opportunities available through
The Challenged Athletes the Challenged Athletes Foun-
Foundation offer a wide range dation.
of programs. Their Catch a Check their website at www.
Rising Star Camps and clinics to find
provide support and coaching to out more and learn how you can
individuals who have suffered a help.