Page 13 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 13
burp guns, and throwing “Veteran Sisters” Is a Nationwide 501(C)3 programs and educational events. The goal is
hand grenades. The Chi- non-profit organization that recognizes the to create a facility that would have a warm and
nese fought ruthlessly. As a unique challenges facing our nation’s Female nurturing atmosphere along with Female Veter-
numerically superior force Veterans. Our goal Is to ensure that no Female an camaraderie.
When you consider the following statistics,
(9 to 1) they sent the first Veteran faces these challenges alone. you can understand how much such a facility is
Veteran Sisters provides peer to peer sup-
wave of attack in a frenzy port and is an Advocacy Organization created needed:
against American positions. by Female Veterans. The members come to- • An Estimated One Out Of Every Five Female
A second wave followed, gether to support each other and families while Veterans Have Experienced Military Sexual
but not carrying arms. They going through the VA Claims Process. That is Trauma.
would pick up weapons from the business part of Veteran Sisters. The heart of • Nine Out Of Every Ten Suffers From PTSD.
fallen soldiers as the charged this great organization is to support each other • Female Veterans Are Two and A Half Times
forward. The third wave was while living life after Military Service. They are More Likely Than Non-Veterans To Commit
an elite force with burp guns your “Battle Buddy,” making you feel that you are Suicide.
who would shoot down their not alone! These brave Female Veterans are Post • There Are an Estimated 3,600 Female Veter-
ans That Are Homeless.
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Military
own troops if they tried to Sexual Trauma (MST) survivors. Help support this fine organization and the
retreat. Veteran Sisters is working diligently to be brave members who supported our country.
The depleted Army able to have a place to call their own. One of They are having an event on June 15th to help
task force now was going to their major focuses is Operation Wellness, which raise money to get closer to their dream. Please
launch a last-ditch breakout is their drive to establish a walk-in facility called buy tickets and attend or if you can’t attend,
attempt, their goal the U.S. “Veteran Sisters Operation Wellness.” Built upon make a donation as a way to say “Thank you for
Marine Corps perimeter at an atmosphere where women feel welcomed, your service,” to the many women who have
Hagaru-ru village near the safe and acknowledged. They plan to have pri- come home different than when they enlisted.
reservoir’s southern edge, vate offices, class rooms for group discussions, Help to make them whole again.
eight miles away to the south- Visit to donate or purchase tickets for their upcoming fundraising event.
west. Cut off by tens of thou-
sands of enemy foot soldiers,
perilously low on ammuni-
tion for their heavy weapons,
and burdened by 600 wound-
ed they would bring out with
them, the task force’s chances
seemed hopeless. Command,
however, and many of its men
were convinced they could
not survive another night of Paula Kemp (left)
enemy mortar, machine-gun, and our operation
and ground attacks. wellness director
Suzanne Tibbetts
To read the rest of this Beaza (right) with
amazing article go to congresswoman
www.sdwomanmagazine. Julia Brownley
com/the-battle-of-chosin (middle)
Photo courtesy of Linsey Daley