Page 10 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 10

“We are still celebrat-  Women of Color                                                De Josef said the most
        ing the historic elections                                                             powerful moment from
        of women of color,"                                                                    the breakfast was hearing
        said Angela de Joseph.                                                                 Montgomery, who recent-
        “Although we have made      ROAR BREAKFAST                                             ly was elected, talk about
        gains, there is much work                                                              “the power of community
        to do.”                                                                                to choose an elected
           De Joseph is the              Articles and Photos by Jacqui Busick                  official. Her community is
        founder of Indivisible                                                                 the one that developed
        WATU and the architect of                                                              and supported her.”
        Women of Color Roar.                                                                      In the panel dis-
           On Saturday, February                                                               cussion, Gómez and
        2, Indivisible WATU                                                                    Montgomery emphasized
        hosted its second annual                                                               the importance of service
        Women of Color ROAR                                                                    to others as an essential
        breakfast.                                                                             development in the inner
           Lines formed for                                                                    life of a leader –– a piece
        warm coffee and food                                                                   of this puzzle that too
        in a ballroom filled with                                                              often is overlooked.
        young women, prom-                                                                        Weber spoke about
        inent members of the                                                                   how women often think
        community, government                                                                  of obstacles through the
        representatives, donors                                                                image of a glass ceiling
        and the hearts and souls                                                               to be shattered, but for
        behind the organization                                                                women of color, she
        hosting the breakfast.                                                                 views obstacles as a steel
           The theme of the                                                                    ceiling.
        event was “Running and                                                                    “When you are in a
        Winning,” and was held                                                                 room with a steel ceiling,”
        not only to celebrate the                                                              she said, “the other
        election victories and                                                                 rooms in the political
        milestones of African                                                                  arena are often not open
        American female office                                                                 to you, whether it is the
        holders, but to encour-                                                                room for fundraising, or
        age young women of                                                                     getting to know signifi-
        color to run for office and                                                            cant people, often times
        seek careers in public                                                                 you don’t even know
        service. Indivisible WATU                                                              they’re there –– things
        is a nonprofit Southeast                                                               are occuring which you
        San Diego grassroots                                                                   are not a part of. And that
        volunteer advocacy                                                                     is the reason I try my best
        group dedicated to voter                                                               to encourage women
        education, engagement,                                                                 to become involved in
        and political activism. All                                                            organizations that will
        four Democratic Con-                                                                   introduce them to the
        gressional Representa-                                                                 other rooms.”
        tives participated in the   Komen San Diego’s Circle   baby steps in its direction.   of San Diego studying   Also present at the
        breakfast.            of Promise Community   This breakfast served as   education. She attend-  breakfast was Chardá
           Currently, there are 43   Resource Advocate, were   an invitation through   ed the breakfast as one   Fontenot, recently elected
        women of color in the US   honored with the Women   the door to other rooms,   of the Future Leader   Governing Board Member
        House of Representatives,   Warrior award for their   an invitation to take the   scholarship recipients. “It   for La Mesa Spring Valley
        making up 10%. There   fierce commitment to em-  simple steps of making   is nice to see a lot of the   Schools after her first time
        are 456 women of color   powerment and justice.   connections.    pedagogy and theory   running for office. “I think
        in all US state legislatures,   The keynote was a   Scholarship recipients   that I am studying in   we should be building
        making up 6.2%. And in   panel discussion of hon-  were invited to mingle   action,” she said.   each other up, motivating
        San Diego, there's some   esty and encouragement   with women already no-  Rivera said that   each other, especially to
        strong representation,   including Assembly mem-  ticeably making change in   from the breakfast she   motivate our young wom-
        with 3 women of color as   ber Dr. Shirley Weber, City   their local governments.   understood that “going   en that it’s okay to run for
        33% of the San Diego City   Council President Geor-  Speaking about the   out to the community,”   office,” she said.
        Council.              gette Gómez, and City   usefulness of internships,   was essential. “Instead   Fontenot said that
           During the break-  Council member Monica   Weber said, “It will prepare   of being cookie-cutter   the breakfast represented
        fast, Sonja Robinson, a   L. Montgomery.   you to deal with the wind   and just studying policy,   an important moment in
        member of the San Diego   The women on the   that is coming in your face.   going out and making   her story for her to take
        Community Choice Alli-  panel all emphasized   Change is not easy.”   those connections ––   the next step of “letting
        ance and organizer with   the reality that change is   Laura Rivera, a   because you are serving   people know that I did it
        Greenpower, and Wendy   hard, but only requires a   25-year-old graduate   the people,” is what will   and that they could do
        Shurelds, a Susan G.   fearless attempt to take   student at the University   make change.  it, too.”

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