Page 7 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 7
Pause and Reflect
By Deanna Bates
FTEN, AS WOMEN, personal P.R. campaign. your target audience. Pick
Oour lives become so Pause and Reflect on what one idea that you could
busy and full that we race you need to do to enhance commit to on a weekly basis
from one task to the next the everyday life that you that would help align your
without pausing to take a are living. Make a list of priorities. It doesn’t need to
breath. We are so focused your priorities in order of be something that would
on the people and respon- importance to you. Some take much time. It just
sibilities around us, we examples you might use needs to be an activity from
rarely make the effort to put are Relationships, Work, your top priority that you
ourselves and our needs on Health and Fitness, Spir- could commit to weekly.
our own to do list. In our itual life and Hobbies. Last, develop an action
limited free time, we numb Then, put numbers next to plan. If your idea requires
ourselves by scrolling social your priorities that reflect other people (for example,
media, binging Netflix or their importance in your your family), schedule a
reading the same page in a life based on how you are family meeting and discuss
book over and over as we actually living. Notice any your idea and how to best
struggle not to fall asleep in disparities in your priorities implement it. If your idea is
the middle of the paragraph. and what categories are ac- for you alone, look at your
In business, a Public tually taking your time and weekly schedule and find a
Relations firm is often hired attention. short time weekly that you
to communicate a message Next, research how to could calendar for your-
to a target audience. The best manipulate the target self. Calendar the activity
basic definition of Public audience to promote influ- weekly on your calendar
Relations is “the state of the ence. Your Pause and Reflect to provide accountability
relationship between the campaign only has to focus and make sure that you are
target audience and its cli- on one person - you! You prioritizing what is import-
ent.” We use P.R. to enhance have only one life to live, ant to you. Every time you
our business, why not use shouldn’t you take time to successfully complete your
it to enhance our lives? The reflect on ways you can live activity, make sure you put
best P.R. campaigns have your best life according to a check or a star on your
an emotional appeal and what is important to you? calendar to acknowledge
directly affect the target Set a timer and write for your success.
audience…what if the target fifteen minutes on ways that The most important
audience is you? How could you could incorporate more public relations client you
you use the components of a time into your priorities. will ever have is yourself.
successful P.R. campaign to Write without stopping and Take the time to Pause and
help you lead your best life? brainstorm any ideas that Reflect on what you can do
First, establish your come to you. to live your best life. I wish
brand and objective. Take Then, design a clear you much success in your
some time to launch your and compelling message for personal P.R. campaign!