Page 4 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 4

Letter From the Editor                                      Letters to the Editor

                                                                            I loved the article “Fearless Females in Films’ I have
                                                                         noticed an awful lot of great female heroines in films of
                                                                         late. Thank you, Hollywood. It was great reading your fun
                                       Dear Readers,                     feature. Keep it up, ladies. We are fearless.
                                                                            ჸ    Simeone from San Diego
                                       What is a POWER WOMAN?               I loved Jasmine L. Sadler. It is so great that she is
                                   There is no easy definition, they     representing women in S.T.E.M. fields and helping to
                                                                         educate our youth. I think the combination of dance and
                                   are actually all around us and
      Photo by Lisa K. Miller      worthy of the title for various rea-  students. Way to go, Jasmine. I know you are making a
                                                                         science together is definitely a way to engage our young
                                   sons.  Some of our women are high

                                                                                 Billi from La Mesa
                                   power executives who run depart-
                                                                            We had the best time attending the Nutcracker tod-
                                   ments, companies, or charities,
                                   while others served our Military,
                                                                         ing to be able to introduce our daughter to such a classic
                                   perform on stage and take care of     dler performance with our 2-year-old. It was so refresh-
                                                                         and beautifully done performance. She repeatedly twirls
                                   families.  In this issue, you will see   herself around like a ballerina since attending. Thank you
                                                                         California Ballet for sharing the beauty of your perfor-
        a mix of all kinds of POWER WOMEN, and once you read their       mance with your youngest of fans.
        stories, you will understand why we chose who we did for this       ჸ    Danielle from Temecula
        awesome title.                                                      I adored the reviews of all of the cookbooks in your
           Our Cover is not graced by one woman this issue, but three    last issue. I have ordered several of them and can’t wait
        amazing women who are solely responsible for helping many        to try the recipes within them. I am especially excited
                                                                         to receive the Cheesecake Bible. My waistline might not
        women achieve their dreams while educating them to do the        like it, but my mouth will.
        best job possible.  Dr. Silvia Mah, Vidya Dinamani, and Allison     ჸ    Lori from Mira Mesa
        Long Pettine are not only Angel Investors they are focused on       I love that you are including stories about veterans
        making women entrepreneurs successful,l while competing on an    and I hope to see more in upcoming issues. I served in
        overwhelmingly male playing field.                               the military for 4 years and am proud of every moment I
                                                                         spent in the service of our country. I think it’s great that
           Please visit our Military Section called “Under the Colors”   Mr. Delzompo is giving back to the Semper Fi Fund. It is
        where we share information about our military heroes and in      nice that our veterans all stick together.
        this issue even give you a piece of history about an incredible     ჸ    Mary from San Diego
        battle that our men fought against terrible odds.                   What a beautiful Poem by Kiriann Booth in your last
           Our San Diego Kid’s section is full of stories from our fa-   issue. It is so hard to believe that this writer is only 13. I
                                                                         believe she has a great career ahead of her.
        vorite kids, view our special section from the students at Vista    ჸ    Annie from El Cajon
        Innovation & Design Academy.   VIDA is a public magnet              I loved the article called “Thanksgiving”. Teaching
        school serving students in Grades 6-8 in Vista, Ca. Their poetry   English to non-English speaking individuals has always
        will truly amaze you.                                            seemed like a very hard thing to do. After reading Carol
           Once again I would like to thank all of our dedicated read-   Heath’s article, I now see how much fun it can be.

                                                                                 Karen from Escondido
        ers, writers, photographers and featured women for supporting
                                                                            I thought I was seeing things when I came upon the
        us for the past 13 years.  We are not getting older, we are getting   recipe for Rainbow cookies. My grandma used to make
        better, thanks to all of you.  Please write to me at editor@sd-  them when I was a little girl, and she would never share or by phone at 888 275 7125 with com-          her secret recipe. I can’t wait to try the recipe. I plan to
                                                                         surprise my brothers and sister with it for a party in a few
        ments or suggestions for upcoming features.  We are your voice,   weeks.
        so let us share it with our readers.                                ჸ    Maria from Carlsbad

           Sincerely,                                                    Editors Note: We would like to apologize for an
           Judith A. Habert                                              error contained in our last issue. The header for our
                                                                         San Diego Kids Section was to read “San Diego Kids
                                                                         Turns 1.” But due to a printer issue, the word Kids
                                                                         was inadvertently left out. Our apologies for this
                                                                         grave error.
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