Page 8 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 8
Grangou astated the tiny island nation Co-Founder Bios:
while the Gibsons acted--open-
ing a home for abandoned,
at-risk children.
Today, Grangou operates
the Travay Bondye home locat-
ed in Port au Prince. Having to
move its location five differ-
ent times due to leases, the
organization is trying to raise
$290,000 to purchase a perma-
nent home. Grangou also pro-
vides three meals a day, clean Carrie Gibson
water, medical care, education, Carrie co-founded Gran-
and clothing to the children gou with her husband Mike in
who call Travay Bondye home. 2008 after traveling to Haiti in
These children not only get the 2007. They live in Texas with
While some nonprofits international adoption, they physical refuge they seek but their five children including
are so popular, they've be- encountered many homeless the mental refuge of hope to two sweet twins adopted from
come household names, some children in the streets of Port overcome their circumstances. Port au Prince. Carrie travels to
are less well-known. While au Prince that tugged at their In addition to Travay Bondye, Haiti several times a year and
it's sometimes difficult to heartstrings. Grangou spearheads mission loves serving in this ministry.
get behind a charity without Praying for direction on a trips, outreach programs and She is thankful that God has
knowing their history, here's way they could help, the Gib- Teens in Transition (TNT), given her the privilege to serve
the amazing story of Grangou. sons returned in July of 2008 providing support to those as “mom” to 70+ children and
Grangou is the Haitian Creole to establish their non-profit aging out of Travay Bondye. that she has a home away from
word for hungry. organization. For the next two Grangou is unique among home at Travay Bondye. In her
Over a decade ago, years, the couple made mul- charities in that every penny do- free time, she works as an event
Michael and Carrie Gibson tiple trips to Haiti in order to nated goes to help the kids. Feed manager in the specialty coffee
embarked on a global initiative build relationships with chil- the hearts, minds, and bodies of industry.
that not only changed their dren living on the streets and Haitian children this year!
lives but the lives of others, for bring them food and supplies. To learn more about Gran-
the better. Upon taking their In January 2010, the world gou, donate or sponsor a child,
first trip to Haiti in 2007 for watched as an earthquake dev- visit
Photos courtesy of Grangou
Michael Gibson
Michael is a co-founder
of Grangou and currently
serves as its President. He has
been working in Haiti since
2007 in various capacities. He
co-founded Grangou with his
wife, Carrie, in 2008 in order
to provide support spiritually,
physically, and mentally to the
people and children of Haiti, fo-
cusing on outreach to homeless
children on the streets of Port-
au-Prince. He is a father to five
children, making his home in
Texas and working in banking.