Page 5 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
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                                   helps patients restore memory and over-  next life path through newpathwaysfor-  Dance is her respite, her passion. She
                                   all health, naturally. She practices Inte-  is a 7th grader at Santa Fe Christian
                                   grative Ayurveda and offers the Healthy                Schools, where she delights in Honors
                                   Brain Recode Success Program at Guar-                  Math, History and Honors English.
                                   neri Integrative Health at the Pacific                 Her favorite scripture is: “He restores
                                   Pearl. Call 858-459-6919 for details.                  my soul” - Psalm 23:3
               Robert Tussey
        Robert has been a published writer for
        over thirty years and has been providing
        editing services for the past twenty-five.                   Lydia Fenet Bio
        As a musician, he has written scores of               Lydia Fenet serves as the Managing Di-
        songs. His life has revolved around his               rector and Global Director of Strategic
        music and writing, often melding the                  Partnerships at Christie’s. In addition to
        two into articles and interviews.  Maggie Ramos       her role within Christie’s, she has raised   Sophia D. Oropeza
                                   Maggie Ramos is a student at MiraCosta   over half a billion dollars for more than
                                   College and is artistically multi talented.   400 non-profits worldwide as the leading   Sophia D. Oropeza, Is a 14 year old,
                                   She is a great writer, painter and a skilled   benefit auctioneer in the country. Ms.   eighth grade student. In her free time
                                   photographer, thanks to several recent   Fenet has trained all of Christie’s bene-  she does enjoy writing. She has a
                                   courses. She puts her soul and heart in   fit auctioneers for the past seven years,   strong passion for all things poetry and
                                   every piece she creates. Her art and writ-  and travels around the country to speak   simply just writing in general. She has
                                   ing pieces tend to be very emotional.   to corporations and groups on “The Art   had a few of her works published in
                                   Maggie creates art based on self expe-  of Selling.” The Most Powerful Woman   poetry books. Lately, writing has be-
                Carol Heath        riences and from experiences of those   in the Room is You is her first book and   come an outlet for Sophia which has
        Carol is a Certified Clinical Master/  around her.    will be published by Gallery Books, an   helped her through many tough times.
        Teacher; she is certified in a myriad of al-          imprint of Simon & Schuster, in Spring   All in all, Sophia is really just your av-
        ternative modalities including Color and              2019. You can follow her auctions, an-  erage teen that is a social media junkie
        Sound therapy, Chakra therapy, Reflex-                tics, and anecdotes on Instagram: @Lyd-  and has a diet based on ice cream.
        ology, Cranial and Lomi lomi massage                  iaFenet.
        and developed her own hands on healing

                                           Dawn Nicoli
                                   For over 20 years Dawn has owned and
                                   operated Nicoli Productions, an envi-
                                   ronmental portrait studio, run out of her                      Jade Wrege
                                   two-acre property in Escondido. Starting   Jacqui Busick   Jade Wrege is 13 years old and has
                                   a new chapter of her life, when serenity   Jacqui Busick is a recent graduate from   enjoyed writing all of her life. She be-
                Gerald Neff        has become so important, Dawn spends   Boston University’s Journalism Depart-  lieves that with writing there are no
        With more than 40 years living and   her time in her palapa tree house with   ment and is back in San Diego to live,   limits to what you can do. She finds it
        working in South America in the agri-  her dog, Karma. exploring the world of   work, write and photograph. Having   amazing that you can express so many
        culture and forestry business. topped off   writing.   lived in five different cities around the   emotions through writing. Anyone can
        with 25 years in the U.S. Em- bassy and               world in the last four years, she has ex-  do it, it's a way to let your mind go and
        Peace Corps. His writing experience in-               perience documenting local stories for   to express how you feel.
        cludes local publications and years of                publications and non-profits, and loves
        U.S. Embassy reports; so sit back and en-             doing so for San Diego, too.
        joy the ride. Gerald Neff can be contact-
        ed at 760 796 4877.

                                           Barbara Cox
                                   Dr. Barbara Cox is the author of The
                                   Muse Process: Unleashing the Power of
                                   the Feminine for Success and Fulfillment,                     Chloe Tabares
                                   a psychologist and a coach who writes   Nini Hodge     Chloe Tabares is a 13-year old and is
                                   about the power of the feminine arche-  Head Writer San Diego Kids  in the 8th grade. She loves to write just
              Dr. Mimi Guarneri    type to build community, increase per-  Natalia (Nini) Hodge, an avid eques-  about anything. Chloe also loves the
        Mimi Guarneri, MD is President of the   sonal intuition, and create lasting change   trian, has won more honors than many   performing arts and appears in drama
        Academy of Integrative Health and Medi-  in organizations. She has been a featured   win in lifelong careers. Nini competes   performances, choir and dance.
        cine. Dr. Guarneri is board certified in In-  expert in many publications. She lives in   at all levels of horse shows local and out
        ternal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease   San Diego, California. Website: https://  of state. She has made quite a name for
        and Integrative Medicine. She is the med-  herself over the last 4 years appearing in
        ical director and founder of Guarneri In-             various magazines and news articles and
        tegrative Health at Pacific Pearl La Jolla.           even on television. Her latest undertak-
                                                              ing is as Head Writer for our San Diego
                                                              Kids Section.
                                                                                          Samantha is a 14 old eighth grade stu-
                                                                                          dent who enjoys writing poetry. Sa-
                                          Deanna Bates                                    mantha spends most of her free time
                                   Deanna Bates is a retired educator and                 playing soccer with her friends. She is
           Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, MD  author of the book, In Pursuit of Clouds               a hardworking student who also loves
        Nancy Lonsdorf, MD is a Johns Hopkins   (Stories and Lessons from a Life Lived    to be creative and wants to help others
        and Stanford- trained physician who is   on the Ground). In her next life chapter,   Sofia Algeria Mah   any way she can. Samantha aspires to
        trained in the Bredesen ReCode Proto-  she has become a trained retreat facilita-  Sofia Algeria Mah is a 12 year old   be a set designer for movies and televi-
        col for Reversing Cognitive Decline and   tor and works to inspire women in their   dancer, model, actress & percussionist.   sion shows in the future.
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