Page 18 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 18

Fabulous Finds

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           Perhaps one of the primary reasons   when you take the option of carbs out   Their new American-made De-
        we personally use Malie, aside from their   of your snack possibilities, what is left?   sign-Your-Own Bracelet Line provides
        wonderful products, is their dedication   Just the Cheese® is the only answer   women with a fashion-forward means
        to giving back. One day a year they do-  we know of, and it is delicious to boot.   of keeping their goals in mind. Buy a
        nate 100% of their online profits to char-  The cheese is oven baked, resulting in   bunch and stack them together for the
        itable causes close to their heart. This   a caramelization of flavors, which truly   ultimate female power punch!
        past year their #GivingBackIsBeautiful   makes it one-of-a-kind. There are even   These bracelets are fully custom-
        campaign donated more than $20,000   different ways in which you can enjoy   izable allowing you to choose from a
        to a diverse range of organizations.   this marvelous snack. It is available in   single or double stack or wrap designs
           Now you can have these spa qual-  Bars or Mini Bites and in great flavors.   in either gold or silver. Select the color
        ity products in your own home. Go to   The Bars are available in Mild Cheddar,   of your choice. Each chain features an to learn more about   Aged Cheddar, Grilled Cheese and if   interwoven spark of color in one of 8
        their products and turn your home into   you want a little spice in each bite try   eye-catching leather colors. Then the
        a luxury spa. It might not be as good as   Jalapeno Cheese.              final element is to choose the charm,
        a trip to Hawaii, but it will make you feel   The Mini Bites come in White Ched-  with sentiments such as live life confi-
        like you just returned from a relaxing   dar, Wisconsin Cheddar, Grilled Cheese,   dent, fearless as a #girlboss, or indepen-
        and restorative vacation in paradise.   Jalapeno Cheese, and Garlic & Chive.  dent, completing your unique bracelet.
                                               Visit their website at https://www.  The concept for these bracelets
        8.  Just the Cheese® A Great Low and order some of   came from Nic D’Andrea’s desire to
           Calorie and Low Carb Snack       your own.                            promote an orga-
           Cheese®                                                               nization that focuses exclusively on
           If you are looking for a healthy and   9.  Nic D’Andrea               women and girls to promote social and
        keto-friendly snack, we have just the   Sharing the Power of Women       economic empowerment and spread
        thing for you.                         Whether they’re cramming for finals,  awareness about causes such as access
           Our staff has been loving every bite   changing dirty diapers, or stepping up   to education, empowering girls, and
        of this great snack food called Just the   to the plate at the big meeting, women   ending violence against women. Nic
        Cheese® Made of 100% pure cheese    in every stage of their lives deserve to   D’Andrea adds, “We are helping to
        (nothing else!) it’s the baked cheese   be reminded they are powerful. This   spread the word about their advocacy
        snack that’s making a revolution for di-  was the idea that launched Nic D’An-  opportunities with every product we
        eters because it’s crunchy and delicious,   drea, a fresh USA made women’s ac-  sell.”
        and only 75 calories per bar.       cessory brand focused on empowering    Visit Nic D’Andrea at https://nic-
           Are you trying desperately to stay   women to meet their day-to-day lives and create your bracelet
        away from Carbs? Many of us are, but   with confidence and style.        today!

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