Page 16 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 16
Fabulous Finds
and a compact design, Lolita is ideal for contain some of the strongest, most try. Her idea was to develop her own
travel, work, or weekend adventures. effective formulas you can get with- natural, high-quality skincare that would
Knowing how important it is to have out a doctor’s assistance or the use of be available at affordable prices to
comfortable shoes, a pair of Arcopédi- needles. everyone. However, it took a long walk
co will be the best purchase you ever Whether you are looking for fuller with her 15-year-old daughter for her to
made. Go to https://arcopedicousa. lips or to fill in bags under your eyes solidify her dream. Kim started Mantra
com/ to see all of their beautiful styles Fillerina is the injection-free answer and Masks. Her Masks use all natural ingredi-
and to order your own pair of the most best yet, you can do it in the privacy of ents and help to make your skin glow.
comfortable shoes you will ever wear. your own home without costly doctor’s Kim elicited the expertise of Dr.
visits. Simeroth who had a career of more than
4. 2019 New Beauty Must-Haves by Fillerina products come in three forty years as a research scientist and
Fillerina: Plumper Skin Without different grades based on your needs. If research engineer both as a “hands-on”
Injections! you go to their website at https://fille- scientific researcher and at the Director
Do you look in the mirror and notice, you can and Vice President of R & D level.
some lines and sagginess around your determine your needs based on their In addition to the various type of
eyes, not to mention those bags which examples. facial masks, Mantra Masks recent
previously only appeared after a late My staff has been using the 932 Eyes introduction of CBD Masks are getting
night out and possibly too many Cos- and Eyelids product for several weeks a lot of attention. For those not familiar
mos? You want to fix them and get back now, and they have all commented that Cannabis, and CBD in particular (short
that youthful glow and youthful ap- they can honestly see a lessening of for cannabidiol), is one of the hottest in-
pearance, but the thought of injecting fine lines and less puffiness under their gredient trends in beauty today, thanks
poison into your skin to look younger is eyes. If you want the results of surgical to its powerful antioxidant, anti-inflam-
a bit of a scary concept. Now you don’t procedures without the surgery, give matory, vitamin-packed, skin-rejuve-
need to. Fillerina is an amazing alterna- Fillerina a try. Go to their website at nating, calming, analgesic, anti-acne,
tive to visits to your cosmetic surgeon for more anti-anxiety, and cellular-regulating
or dermatologist. information and to order this wonderful properties.
Hyaluronic Acid does wonders for transformational skin product Mantra Masks come in different
the skin although most times it comes varieties to deal with all your skin care
in a syringe. So, a little short-term 5. Mantra Masks needs. These include Collagen, Anti
plumping comes with a little bit of pain. After working for a high-end skin Aging, Blemish, Skin Repair and After
But now you can get your Hyaluronic care company for 9 years, Kim Wellen, Sun. Go to their site at www.mantram-
Acid and Collagen fix without injec- came to the belief that she wanted to be to learn more and order your
tions. Fillerina’s new product additions a part of change in the beauty indus- favorite ones today.