Page 30 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
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told by the doctors that even though I readily and we connect with a sense of
had survived my first few months of life, purpose. When we learn to align with
I’d be paralyzed and a “vegetable“– their our highest values and live with purpose,
words, not mine. (Hey, this was before we enjoy life. Sometimes, when we take
a PC language came into vogue.) So, on certain roles or go through certain
everyone thought I’d be the epitome experiences, we lose a certain sense of
of disempowered as a woman. But, not individuality and accidentally discon-
only did I survive… I thrived as a child. nect from our values – leaving us feeling
Of course, the Universe wasn’t con- disconnected, isolated or invisible. How
tent giving me just one struggle. It want- did I or anyone overcome these feelings
ed to challenge me often to make sure I of disempowerment and flip the switch?
became a strong, empowered, confident How do we more often feel our power
woman. Not only was I born premature, and be seen? If I were to boil it down,
but I was also born into a Navy family. My the main piece is a process of reminding
father was a Navy pilot and my mother yourself that you matter.
was a Southern Belle. Being in a military I suggest saying that phrase to your-
family, we moved around a lot, almost self before you go to bed at night: “You
every year. Through all this, my parents matter”. Notice how it feels when you say
ended up divorcing, so I was raised by a that phrase, maybe even notice where
single mom. As was common for single you feel it in your body. Maybe you feel
moms during that time, my family strug- it resonating in your heart, maybe you
notice it resonating in your head, maybe
Ditch Feeling Disempowered you notice it somewhere else. Maybe
you just notice the sensation as it comes
out of your mouth. Whatever you notice
and Embrace Your Power is good. Just notice you matter.
Surround yourself with people who
resonate with that message and reflect
By Dr. Barbara Cox it back to you. This helps connect you
more with that feeling of mattering and
shows you what you value and what
ID YOU KNOW THAT FEELING DIS- gled financially. Many times, we had to matters to you internally. It helps you
Dempowered is just the flipside of the scrounge around for loose change in the dislodge unspoken societal messages
coin of feeling empowered? If you never sofa to pay for food that week, depend- that say otherwise. There are many more
felt disempowered, you would not know ing on how finances were. Despite the things you can do to make that empow-
or understand what empowered felt struggle (maybe even because of it), I ered shift. Take the first step forward to a
like. One cannot exist without the other. was motivated to overcome poverty and small action. I hope my story inspires you
Weirdly, I like to think of disempower- better myself. I taught myself to access a to step into your place of power and own
ment as a hidden gift. It is a sneaky gift state of self-empowerment rather than your power. Release disempowerment.
though, because it feels unpleasant wallow in a state of disempowerment. Release any negative messages inside
and leaves you feeling vulnerable and I overcame physical challenges. I put your head that say you don’t matter.
powerless. But, you’re not actually pow- myself through college and graduate Release these in order to embrace your
erless. When you feel disempowered, it’s school. I worked for the Department of power to be seen and valued for those
actually teaching you how to access your Defense. Eventually, I wrote a book to unique talents that you bring to our
power. distill what I learned in my journey to world.
My sneaky gift of disempowerment help women flip the switch from disem- Barbara Cox is an author of the
came early. I was born a preemie at 28 powered to empowered. newly released book The Muse Process:
weeks gestation in the 60s, before they When we as women feel empowered, Unleashing the power of the feminine
could rescue preemies. Somehow I which I believe is an innate inborn state, for success and fulfillment published by
miraculously survived. My parents were we align with our personal values more McFarland Press.
For more information visit her Website: