Page 34 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 34

Power Women

        men are asked promotion    Cosco of Envy; Kate Dilligan   are not the same for me, but   women generated more reve-
        questions, like “How do you   of Cooler Heads; Jenna Ryan of  because I'm different, I will   nue: $730,000 for the women
        plan to monetize this?”.   Uqora; and Shannon Williams   attract the right people who   and $662,000 for the men.
           “To neutralize this bias,   of ControList.         will help me succeed.”         “Women are already
        the superpower that women      "Silvia, Allison, and                              building exceptional com-
        can adopt is a good dose of   Vidya have combined their   Investing in Women Because it’s  panies,” added Long Pettine.
        persistence,” shared Long   distinct experiences to build   the Smart Thing to do  “We’re here to make sure they
        Pettine. “For instance, if asked   something really unique,”                      have a loaded toolbox – one
        a prevention question, answer   said Ryan. “They’ve created   “Ad Astra is not only   with tools for overcoming bias
        with a promotion answer in-  compelling programming, and  building leaders; it’s building   – so they can get the funding
        stead of a prevention answer.   equally importantly, they've   a platform for subsequent in-  they deserve. And hopefully,
        This breaks the cycle of bias   created a special community   vestments in and by women,”   with time, the toolbox will
        and impacts funding opportu-  that extends beyond the pro-  added Mah. “Women are not   lighten as bias is overcome.”
        nities for female founders.”  gram itself.”           only worthy of investment;     To learn more about Ad
                                       Ryan went on to success-  they are often the smarter,   Astra Ventures, please visit
              Making Progress      fully close her seed round of   revenue-generating choice.” This
                                   funding in just six months     According to a study from   year, the organization is ex-
           In the one year since   after graduating from the   Boston Consulting Group,   panding to serve more women
        founding Ad Astra Ventures,   program.                women-led companies are     with diverse needs and
        Dinamani, Long Pettine and     Debbie Chen of Hydrosta-  a proven investment. The   backgrounds. Launching this
        Mah have helped six women to   tis added, “Ad Astra changed   consulting group evaluated   spring, To The Stars Founda-
        slow down, focus on prod-  my life. Not just as a startup   350 companies that had been   tion will help earlier-stage and
        uct-market fit, dive into cus-  Founder/CEO, but as a person   through the MassChallenge   minority-led founders launch
        tomer needs and tackle biases   and leader in my community.   program, which supports and   and scale their businesses.
        head-on. These women include  Now I walk through life with   mentors entrepreneurs. The   Altogether, Ad Astra Ventures
        Debbie K. Chen, Ph.D., of Hy-  a gender lens, understanding   women raised significantly   and its not-for-profit, To the
        drostasis; Julie Collens, Ph.D.,   and navigating the world fully   less money than the men,   Stars Foundation, aim to help
        of Vivid Genomics; Jennifer   knowing the opportunities   however, on average, the   all women get even.

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