Page 33 - POWER WOMEN ISSUE San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 33

Power Women

        science, academia, and cur-  sitates action through small,   that for women to succeed as   as the leader. This phenom-
        riculum. All three women are   incremental mindset shifts   founders, they must be aware   enon is best explained as the
        investors and entrepreneurs   resulting in huge personal   of these biases, realize their   Role Congruent Theory. The
        themselves, having experi-  transformation.”          impact, and have the tools to   partners at Ad Astra Ventures
        enced firsthand the problems   Awareness is the edu-  neutralize them.            have defined a superpower
        Ad Astra Ventures is deter-  cational component, where    “It’s imperative to get this   women can use to neutralize
        mined to solve.            founders learn about the im-  information in the hands of all   this bias: empathetic leader-
                                                              people impacted by implicit   ship.

                                                                                             “Women can build better
                                                                                          teams by empathetically
             Power of the Pause                                                           leveraging individual team
                                                                                          members’ assets for the success
           “We wanted to create a   plicit biases that exist as well as   bias,” explained Long Pettine.   of their companies,” explained
        program that would enable   about their own strengths and   “In doing so, each one of us   Mah.
        founders to effect change from  shadows. Impact is a time of   can come up with our own
        within,” added Dinamani.   self-reflection and analysis, un-  tactics and strategies to suc-  2. Men are expected to
        “Although we’re an accelera-  derstanding which factors may   ceed based on our individual   succeed, women are expected
        tor, we encourage our female   affect their ability to succeed   strengths.”      to not fail
        founders to pause and to make  and how they are either per-  There are two remedies for   From boardrooms to
        decisions with perspective and  petuating or neutralizing the   unconscious biases that have   classrooms, women are
        without haste.”            biases they may face. Finally,   resounded particularly well   viewed and critiqued dif-
           In pausing, founders have   action is putting education and   with the founders who have   ferently than men, which
        time to unpack the uncon-  self-reflection into practice.   taken the Ad Astra training:  impacts how much female
        scious bias that’s ingrained in                                                   founders get funded – and
        everyday life and entrenched       Gender Bias            1. Female leaders need to   how large the gap is between
        in the business world, ex-                            be empathetic leaders.      corporate women’s sala-
        plained the trio.              Whether they know it       For female leaders to be   ries and those of their male
           During this time, partic-  or not, founders are often   perceived as effective, they   counterparts. Women must
        ipants experience Ad Astra   evaluated based on their   need to demonstrate both   pivot to overcome the fact that
        Ventures’ three-step “AIA”   gender, explained the trio. This   sensitivity and strength, al-  they are viewed and reviewed
        framework: awareness, im-  implicit bias is an assumption   though male leaders only need  differently than men, to their
        pact, action.              or judgment someone makes   to demonstrate strength. This   detriment.
           “This framework aims to   about a person without having   type of thought emerges from   In a study on the interac-
        neutralize bias by bringing   any awareness of it. Often the   the unconscious bias rooted   tion between VCs and entre-
        awareness to the research,   bias is so subtle that the re-  in society from the incongru-  preneurs, it was revealed that
        directly impacting leaders   ceiving party doesn’t realize it’s   ity between the traditional   women are asked prevention
        through self-reflection,” said   happening to them. That’s why   female role as the nurturer   questions, like “How long will
        Long Pettine. “It also neces-  the three entrepreneurs believe   and the traditionally male role   it take to break even?”, while

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