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We are all at different stages of change. Some More women than men die of a stroke. Don’t be a part of
of us may have success with only a prize in this statistic. Motivate yourself through your desire to be
mind and can manage quite well on our own alive and healthy for years to come for the sake of your
family and friends. Acquire several copies of photos of
while others may need both the prize and an your favorite people. Write captions on them such as “I
authoritative coach to help us keep on track. want to see you get married” or “I want to enjoy retirement
with you”. Place the photos in strategic locations where
you make food choices such as on the refrigerator or food
Which category do you fit into? Trying some of cabinets, on the dash of your car or in a smaller form on a
these ideas may help you figure that out: key chain or in your wallet. The next time you’re tempted
to drive through your local fast-food burger joint you will be
If you can stay FOCUSED on the Prize… motivated to head in the opposite direction.
Prize 1: Mini shopping spree If you need some COACHING toward the Prize…
If your goal is to lose weight, reward yourself with a mini
shopping spree every time you drop two sizes. Decide on a Coach 1: A faithful friend
certain number of dollars and put it aside in a jar or
envelope. Record the date and amount of weight loss Find a friend who is working toward similar nutrition goals
directly on the envelope or a label on the jar. or would be a good role model for you. Help keep each
other accountable. Meet each other at the grocery store,
share healthy recipes and encourage each other to make
Prize 2: Save a life nutritious food choices.
To help yourself cut back on high fat and sugary snacks
and beverages, carry a special change purse in your regu- Coach 2: A Registered Dietitian
lar hand bag. Every time you get a craving to binge, figure
out how much it would cost you to purchase those items Look into setting up an appointment with a Dietitian. Check
and put that amount in the purse. Once a month use the with your health insurance or doctor to see whether or not
money to sponsor a child or donate to an organization such you need a referral or if coverage is available. Many private
as one that helps young girls from being sexually exploited. consulting dietitians advertise online or in the yellow pages
and can be a great resource for accurate nutrition infor- San Diego Woman
mation and help you set goals and stay on track. If you’re
Prize 3: Flower power prone to waver, pay for several visits upfront to keep you
coming back and hold you accountable.
Go to the local farmers market or favorite grocery store 35
once a week and buy a variety of fruits and vegetables to Coach 3: A personal trainer
include in your menu throughout the week. Try to choose
the bright colorful fruits and vegetables which are very high In addition to their exercise expertise, many personal train-
in antioxidants, fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals. ers will also offer nutrition advice depending on their educa-
Treat yourself to a weekly colorful bouquet of flowers to re- tional background. Beware of special nutrition products or
ward yourself while you’re there and remind you throughout supplements and diet pills. If you are unsure if the informa-
the week to eat the fruits and vegetables you purchased. tion you are being provided is accurate, double check with
an RD (Registered Dietitian). An RD is licensed to provide
evidence-based nutrition advice in San Diego and has to
Prize 4: More free time for fun meet strict credentials to receive and maintain their license.
Start a lunch club at your place of work or with a group of
friends in your neighborhood. Each person can sign up Coach 4: A local neighborhood support group
for one day of the week and bring food or drop it off for all
the group members. Make a rule to only prepare healthy Look for healthy cooking classes at your neighborhood
low-fat recipes. Depending on how many people are in the community center or college. Ask the personnel behind
group, you may only have to make lunch or dinner a couple the information desk at health centers or medical clinics
of times during the week. Use your free time to do some- about courses and groups that are available. Some grocery
thing you enjoy. stores even offer store tours where you learn how to read
nutrition labels and make the right food choices. If you are
unable to find a group, start your own. Once a week have
Prize 5: Quality time a cooking club where you make a healthy recipe together
or start a book club where you read a nutrition-related book
Four of the top leading causes of death are diet related. and get together for a healthy dinner to discuss it.
March/April 2008