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P. 32

Chuao Chocolate

     Southern California’s Artisan Chocolate Shop

     On Valentines Day, year after year, I go to University   engineered chocolate with stabilized fats.
     Town Center or Encinitas to the Chuao Chocolate Café to
     purchase chocolates for my honey and this year was no    2. Smell: Inhale the aroma; let your mind sense the flavors
     exception. I joined a line of caring and thoughtful men who   you’re about to taste.
     gladly made the trek to please their valentines. I am almost
     always the lone woman in line. Usually I hem and haw and   3. Taste: Let the chocolate melt in your mouth. Allow it to
     can’t decide what kinds of lush brown confections to put   cover your entire tongue. Allow the flavors to reveal them-
     into my 9-piece collection. I don’t really do chocolate (yes,   selves. Savor the flavors.
     you read that right!) but my husband loves fine chocolate.
     (In case you’re wondering, he is                                             My friend savored the flavor, rolled
     NOT a chocoholic – so he tells                                                her eyes in ecstasy. She said “The
     me!) I often enlist the help of                                                flavor keeps changing, morphing
     other shoppers or the sales                                                     and moving around my tongue. It
     clerks to select the perfect                                                      has a hint of cayenne pepper that
     combination. Nothing is too                                                        slightly numbed my tongue with
     good for my man.                                                                    its spiciness. Mixing deep dark
                                                                                          chocolate with these spices
                                                                                            is out of this world.”
     So why, if I’m not into-
     chocolate, am I writing                                                                  After she came back
     an article on choco-                                                                       to the living she said
 32  late? Well, to help                                                                         that this was the best
                                                                                                  chocolate she had
     my fellow women,
     of course!                                                                                    ever tasted. She as-
     I consider it                                                                                   sured me that she
     my moral and                                                                                    was making the
     civic duty to tell                                                                              trek to UTC the
     everyone about                                                                                following weekend.
     the best chocolate                                                                           Pronounced Chew-
     around.                                                                                     WOW, Chuao is
                                                                                                Southern California’s
                                                                                              only artisan chocolate
     I’m not able to wax                                                                     shop. Named after the
     eloquently about the                                                                   cacao producing region in
     fineries of chocolate, but I                                                          Central Venezuela.
     am a qualified observer. But
     where would I find a person
     to try this chocolate for me?                                                     Venezuelan-born chocolatier
     As it turns out, every woman                                                     Michael Antonorsi, used to be a
     I know loves chocolate. So I                                                   biomedical engineer and decided to
     treated a friend to her first piece                                           follow his passion. He left his
     of Chuao chocolate and delighted                                             engineering career behind and moved
     in her reaction. She is a well versed chocolater, and chose   to Paris to study Pastry and Chocolaterie at the Ecole
     the Picante piece for her first experience with Chuao. She   Lenotre. Two years later he graduated, joined with his
     knew the 3 steps to tasting chocolate:                    brother; entrepreneur Richard Antonorsi and founded the
                                                               company in San Diego County.
     1. Observe: Is it shiny?  How does it break? Does it crum-
     ble or splinter? A clean break with a hard and clear crack   At Chuao chocolatier you won’t find your standard run-of-
     sound is also a sign of excellent quality. Does it begin   the-mill chocolates, you will find creative and unique com-
     to melt within a few seconds of holding it? 100% cacao-   binations. Really unique, bold, uncommon and assertive
     based chocolates will melt at body temperature faster than         these flavors will delight your taste buds.
                                                    March/April 2008
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