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Earning a Gold Star

     Learn how to reward yourself for eating healthy

     By Jennifer L. Sachs, RD
     You may have had great intentions to start eating
     healthier in 2008 but now, several months later
     you’re back to your old habits. Positive thinking
     and trying to pep yourself up failed to keep you on

     Think years back to those days as a young child
     when your parents and teachers were trying to
     educate you to establish healthy habits; impor-
     tant things you needed to learn to survive in our
     society today; things like reading a book, washing
     your hands before eating dinner, saving money in
     your piggy bank and learning how to work as you
     completed your chores.

     How were you motivated to make
     these changes? Was it a spanking or
     a stern look? More often than not you
     were probably motivated to learn this
     new behavior because you would
     receive a reward, not because you
 34  were born disciplined.

     You may have received a star or
     sticker on the chart each time you read
     a book or completed a chore. You may
     have earned an allowance and you
     saved up to buy that special toy. Or
     even better yet, you may have gained
     the right to play with the neighborhood
     friends after completing your chores or
     homework for the day.

     Have you really changed that much over the
     years? I think most of us would admit that we
     would be willing to climb a mountain to get something we   Certainly you will be able to adjust your busy schedule to fit
     really wanted.                                           that in.

     Getting up in the morning for work when our alarm goes off   As a child our reward system was managed by an adult so
     can be excruciating but think about how easy it is to pop   unless our parent or teacher referee wavered easily, we
     out of bed at 5 am when you know you’re on your way to   were obliged to follow the rules. Today, as an adult, most
     catch a flight to Hawaii for a vacation.                 often times we are in charge of our own lives. We set the
                                                              rules unless we sign over the authority to someone else
     How about trying to find time to look through a cookbook for   with our consent. This leads to a problem when it comes
     healthy recipes and compile a grocery list to make nutri-  to trying to establish healthy eating habits. Most of us can
     tious meals? Who has time for that? What if your favorite   easily convince ourselves to bend the rules “just this one
     reality series is on two nights this week instead of one?   time”.  One compromise can easily lead to two and
                                                              eventually we are back to our old ways.
                                                    March/April 2008
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