Page 17 - Rotary GML April 2022 Month Ebook
P. 17


                          SPECTRUM CRICKET CARNIVAL - BBC 2022

                                                                                          BBC WINNER CBE EAST
        Rotary Coimbatore Spectrum organised its Signature Fellowship Event BBC on 13th March 2022 at Diamond City
        Ground. 24 teams from various Rotary Clubs competed for the Prestigious Garibdasji Cup. Rotary Club of Coimbatore
        East lifted the Trophy for the second time in the last 3 years in a close finale with Rotary Coimbatore Town. Team East
        showed that in spite being underrated but excellent team coordination  and outstanding performances by Pradeep
        Jayabal who was awarded the BEST BATSMAN and Sathish Ravikumar  as the BEST ALL ROUNDER they were able to
        win the tournament.  This year there were 4 teams in the Anns Competition for Chakra Memorial Mahila Cup. Anns
        Team of Rotary Downtown lifted the trophy beating the Anns team of Rotary Cotton City. DG Rajsekhar Srinivasan
        Inaugurated the event and along with DGE Rajmohan Nair and PDG  Pathy distributed the Awards.

        Special Awards were presented -  Life Time Achievement to Shri R S Ramasaamy, Secretary of TNCA, Beacon of
        Service Award was Conferred to Shri Raja Gopal Sunkara, Corporation Commissioner of Coimbatore and Seyyadurai
        Nagarajan, Philanthrophist from Chennai.  Dronacharya Award was given to Shri M Shanmugham, Coach Tamilnadu
        Team and Spectrum Khelratna Award was bestowed on Indian Cricketer Mr Rajagopal Sathish. Sports is the best
        platform to bring about Friendship and Bonding along with the right mix of competitive spirit. Congrats to Chair
        Chandramouli , Rajeel Ahmed and Team Spectrum for once again proving this.

                                                                            OUR LOVELY PLANET     APRIL 2022   17
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