Page 15 - Rotary GML April 2022 Month Ebook
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One of the youngest clubs of the District, led by energetic President Ramesh and Secretary Rojan
MAR Mathew and ably supported by the members and mentor Jai Sankar, who is one the most outstanding
26 DRFCC any Governor could wish to have in his team. His dedication and commitment is unparallel.
We started by the Installation of their new Rotaract Club, The Rotaract Club of Laurus at The Laurus
Institute of Logistics. Arathy Varma was installed as President along with her team of office bearers.
The Charter was presented in the presence of PDG B. R. Ajit, Chairman of the Institute. Appreciate the
dedication of Rtn Ravindranath as the Rotaract Club Advisor. We had a very interactive and productive
Club Assembly and during the well attended evening function their newly formed Rotaract Club showed
their pedigree by presenting a Ch for Rs 37,500/- to the sisters of to Holy Cross Convent, a charitable
home as their first project for Women Empowerment. They had raised these funds by the sale of Laurus
green coffee. This young Rotary Club has started beautifully and will soon grow into one of the best.
DD Varghese Joy, AG Lakshmi Menon and GGR Viju Mathew are an excellent support team for the Club.