Page 46 - Demo
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                                    62 NO B.S. Direct MarketingSECTION 1 / FOUNDATIONin the persistent and erroneous beliefs about short viewer DWWHQWLRQ%u0003VSDQV%u0003DQG%u0012RU%u0003WKH%u0003QHHG%u0003IRU%u0003VKRUW%u0003FRS\\%u0011%u00037KH%u0003SRLQWffl%u0003=HURbrand-building was attempted. But if in the hands of most big, dumb companies in publishing, insurance, annuities, gold, RWKHU%u0003%u00c0QDQFLDO%u0003JRRGV%u0003DQG%u0003VHUYLFHV%u000f%u0003WKH\\%u0003DQG%u0003WKHLU%u0003QLQFRPSRRS%u0003ad agencies would have insisted on mucking up the ads with their corporate names, logos, slogans, years in business. You can always brand-build internally, with customers, RQFH%u0003 WKH\\%u0003 DUH%u0003 DFTXLUHG%u0011%u0003 7KHUH%u00b7V%u0003 QR%u0003 ODZ%u0003 WKDW%u0003 VD\\V%u0003 \\RX%u0003 FDQ%u00b7W%u0003create powerful brand identity and preference with customers yet never even mention it to new prospects.There are even instances where a brand suppresses response because of its virtues. Dan Kennedy has had clients in niche markets who had become very well-known and well-respected leaders, and if you asked 100 people in their market about them, nearly all of the randomly chosen 100 had generally positive things to say about the company but could DOVR%u0003UDWWOH%u0003R%u037f%u0003WKH%u0003%u00c0YH%u0003NH\\%u0003FRPSRQHQWV%u0003RI%u0003WKDW%u0003FRPSDQ\\%u00b7V%u0003VDOHV%u0003VWRU\\%u0003DQG%u0003R%u037fHULQJV%u0011%u00031R%u0003P\\VWLTXH%u000f%u0003QR%u0003FXULRVLW\\%u0011%u0003$%u0003EHHQ%u0010WKHUH%u0010heard-that-done-that-before problem. Success came by trotting RXW%u0003 %u00b4EOLQG%u00b5%u0003 DGYHUWLVLQJ%u0003 DQG%u0003 PDUNHWLQJ%u0003 ZLWK%u0003 IUHVK%u0003 SURPLVHV%u0003and bold positioning, which would have been instantly discredited if voiced by the venerable, old industry leader. Then, once interest in the promises was created, information could be provided that revealed the match of the biggest, most respected brand with the hot, new, daring products. In short, brand is not necessarily the holy grail. Brandbuilding is best for very, very patient marketers with very, very GHHS%u0003 SRFNHWV%u0003%u00c0OOHG%u0003ZLWK%u0003 RWKHU%u0003 SHRSOHV%u00b7%u0003PRQH\\%u0011%u0003
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