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                                    NO B.S. Direct Marketing 59CHAPTER 4 / NO FREELOADERS ALLOWEDmarketing and moneymaking paid subscription newsletter (the No B.S. Marketing Letter%u000c%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003D%u0003 IXOO%u0003FDWDORJ%u0003RI%u0003UHVRXUFHV%u000f%u0003and a membership organization. Again, none of this identity and target market brand recognition has been bought or obtained by patient and hard-to-hold accountable spending. It has all come as, essentially, a free bonus provided from direct investment only into Direct Marketing.So, my colleagues at Magnetic Marketing and I are notopposed to brand-building. We are opposed to paying for brand-building. 0RVW%u0003 VPDOO%u0003 EXVLQHVV%u0003 RZQHUV%u0003 FDQQRW%u0003 D%u037fRUG%u0003 WR%u0003 SURSHUO\\%u0003invest in brand-building. Most start-ups lack the patient capital and luxury of time required by brand-building. I do not believe it is a wise investment for small business owners or entrepreneurs, nor do I believe it is necessary. Brand power FDQ%u0003 EH%u0003 DFTXLUHG%u0003 DV%u0003 D%u0003QR%u0010FRVW%u0003 E\\%u0010SURGXFW%u0003 RI%u0003SUR%u00c0WDEOH%u0003'LUHFW%u00105HVSRQVH%u0003 $GYHUWLVLQJ%u0003 DQG%u0003 'LUHFW%u0003 0DUNHWLQJ%u0011%u0003 0\\%u0003 SUHIHUUHG%u0003strategy is simple: Buy response, gratefully accept brandEXLOGLQJ%u0003DV%u0003D%u0003ERQXV%u0011%u00031(9(5%u0003EX\\%u0003EUDQG%u0010EXLOGLQJ%u0003DQG%u0003KRSH%u0003IRU%u0003direct-response as a bonus. (Unless you are actually trying to VSHQG%u0003GDGG\\%u00b7V%u0003IRUWXQH%u0003RXW%u0003RI%u0003VSLWH%u0011%u000c3D\\LQJ%u0003 IRU%u0003 WUDGLWLRQDO%u0003 EUDQG%u0010EXLOGLQJ%u0003 PD\\%u0003 EH%u0003 %u00c0QH%u000f%u0003 HYHQ%u0003essential, for giant companies with giant budgets in combat IRU%u0003 VWRUH%u0003 VKHOI%u0003 VSDFH%u0003 DQG%u0003 FRQVXPHUV%u00b7%u0003 UHFRJQLWLRQ%u0011%u0003 ,I%u0003 \\RX%u0003 DUH%u0003WKH%u0003 &(2%u0003 RI%u0003 +HLQ]%u0003 RU%u0003 0ROVRQ%u0003 &RRUV%u0003 RU%u0003 VRPH%u0003 FRPSDQ\\%u0003 OLNH%u0003WKDW%u000f%u0003SOD\\LQJ%u0003ZLWK%u0003VKDUHKROGHUV%u00b7%u0003PRQH\\%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003%u00c0JKWLQJ%u0003LW%u0003RXW%u0003DV%u0003a commodity purveyor, by all means buy brand identity. But if you are an entrepreneur playing with your own marbles, EHZDUH%u0011%u0003 &RS\\LQJ%u0003 WKH%u0003 EUDQG%u0010EXLOGHUV%u0003 FDQ%u0003 EDQNUXSW%u0003 \\RX%u0011%u0003 
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